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Hi is this a known bug that Lightroom eats all the memory that M1 Mac has and then swaps it all the time? It can consume hundreds GB of RAM when editing photos. Is this fixable other than switching of GPU in Lightroom preferences? (the app is then very slow ...)
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This is not normal behavior. Do you have any other software installed on this computer - especially things like antivirus, system cleanup apps, etc.? They are notorious for causing problems like this.
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No i dont. It is happening while using Lightroom Classic with switched GPU acceleration. Unfortunately without GPU on it is slow and laggy 😞 but RAM is not eaten in 100% and even more because it constantly swapping
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Yeah that is not normal at all. How much RAM do you have? 16 GB is the bare minimum for Lightroom but 32 is what you should have. Below 16 you will be swapping constantly but even then should still be fairly usable. Also is your operating system fully updated? Do you have enough free ssd hard disk space?
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I have Mac Studio M1 Max 32GB RAM and 1 TB SSD (400GB left) Latest Ventura updates, no Sonoma yet as it have terrible reviews and cant risk unstable system. I edit in Davinci Resolve 4k raw video files without any problems and RAM is used in about 20-24GB Only problem i have is with lightroom and Photoshop. I have not this problems on intel macbook from 2014 with 16gb ram.
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and, yes lightroom is fast and usable when swapping ram, but i read how bad it is for SSD. I dont want to die SSD in 2 years Mac as it is not swappable 🙂 2,5k$ will go to trash
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Not sure I understand. Do you have a slow lightroom problem or not? You say it is fast and usable so that indicates there is no issue. You should not at all worry about swapping, that is completely normal and exactly what a modern operating system should be doing and is designed to do even if it has enough memory. It will ALWAYS swap. Your SSD can easily take it. It is a very strange myth that they can't. Really you should not worry about that. What you should look at is memory pressure in activity monitor. It should stay in green or orange on that machine and very rarely in red. If it goes into red quite a bit during normal use than yes you have an issue.
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Hi Jao, please can you assist me?
I have just upgraded to 13.0.1 & Lightroom is now incredibly slow!! (M1 Ventura, not yet upgraded to Sonoma)
It takes about 10 minutes to load & then another 5 to load all the folders.
It periodically gets stuck on an image & won't load the next image (literally will take a full 5 minutes to load the next image).
It doesn't show any stars/colors/etc when culling.
I am incredibly frustrated with this upgrade - I would appreciate any advice on how to solve these issues.
Thanks so much.
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M1 Studio with 128GB ram here, and Lightroom will eat up 95+GB and then stall. It's simply horrendous that one buys memory and ends up no better off than the LR-recommended 'minimum' amount.