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Hi I was having problems with my LR CC so turned something off think it was to do with the graphics. Now cant remember what I did and it cant open. I can click on it and it bounces but nothing else. I'm on a mac, please help someone I've backups but cant seem to get it to reinstall either.
1 Correct answer
Please try to deactivate the GPU support in Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom GPU Troubleshooting and FAQ
In your case try "Solution 2", the manually deactivation.
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Have you tried shutting your compute down (turn off), then turning back on?
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Please try to deactivate the GPU support in Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom GPU Troubleshooting and FAQ
In your case try "Solution 2", the manually deactivation.
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I need help
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i cant open my lightroom but it already deducted on my account
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You’ve reactivated an approx. seven years old thread. And you wrote only "I can't open my Lightroom...". It may seem like it's the same problem, but it may not be. Also, you're not giving us any information about your system and what you've tried so far. Rather than reactivating an old thread that is seemingly similar, you are posting to a new thread with fresh, complete information.
Please include system information, a detailed description of the problem and if it's possible a step-by-step instructions for reproduction. Also includes the steps that you've done by your own to solve the issue.
Please do not use file attachments as many people here will not download them. Instead, use the "Insert Photos" icon and include your screen capture in your message.
If the issue is really the same, we will merge you back into the appropriate location.
This thread will be locked. Thank you!