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While in develop tab and setting a rating for each photo and adding to quick collection. Lightroom freezes when uising the right arrow key to move to next photo in folder. It takes several minutes for the error screen to appear.
Any suggestions on possible fixes such uninstall reinstall, etc.
Crash reports shows <crash exception="EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION" exceptionCode="0xc000001d" instruction="0x0000000061978F6F">
Full crash report:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE AdobeCrashReport SYSTEM "AdobeCrashReporter.dtd">
<crashreport serviceVersion="" clientVersion="" applicationName="Adobe Lightroom Classic" applicationVersion="13.4" build="[202406181129-60d181b7]" source="Windows-Client" crashType="n/a">
<time year="2024" month="7" day="22" hour="7" minute="24" second="22" timeoffset="-360" timezone="Central Daylight Time"/>
<user guid="4f496301-224e-43d7-a057-d4ac6846f2ec"/>
<system platform="Windows 11 Pro" osversion="11.0" osbuild="22631" applicationlanguage="en-us" userlanguage="en-US" oslanguage="en-US" ram="32581" machine="12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900KF" model="Intel64 Family 6 Model 151 Stepping 2" cpuCount="24" cpuType="8664" cpuFreq="3187 MHz" processorArchitecture="9"/>
<gpuinfo availability="Running/Full Power" adapterCompatibility="NVIDIA" adapterRAM="4095 MB" caption="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti" description="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti" driverDate="20240710000000.000000-000" driverVersion="" videoModeDescription="3840 x 2160 x 4294967296 colors" pnpDeviceID="PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_2208&SUBSYS_38961462&REV_A1\4&3233E99A&0&0008" installedDisplayDrivers="nvldumdx.dll"/>
<crash exception="EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION" exceptionCode="0xc000001d" instruction="0x0000000061978F6F">
<backtrace crashedThread="0">
<thread index="0">
<stackStatement index="0" address="0x0000000061978F6F" symbolname="zip_source_free"/>
<stackStatement index="1" address="0x000000006196AC66" symbolname="zip_source_free"/>
<stackStatement index="2" address="0x000000006195BB63" symbolname="zip_source_free"/>
<stackStatement index="3" address="0x0000000061A08B16" symbolname="zip_source_win32w_create"/>
<stackStatement index="4" address="0x000000006181ADFE" symbolname="AgRedeye_load"/>
<stackStatement index="5" address="0x00000000613B3A5D" symbolname="AgRedeye_load"/>
<stackStatement index="6" address="0x00000000613B748B" symbolname="AgRedeye_load"/>
<stackStatement index="7" address="0x00000000613B5DC1" symbolname="AgRedeye_load"/>
<stackStatement index="8" address="0x00007FFE9BDB289A" symbolname="RtlHashUnicodeString"/>
<stackStatement index="9" address="0x00007FFE9BD85E66" symbolname="RtlClearThreadWorkOnBehalfTicket"/>
<stackStatement index="10" address="0x00007FFE9A0A257D" symbolname="BaseThreadInitThunk"/>
<stackStatement index="11" address="0x00007FFE9BDAAF28" symbolname="RtlUserThreadStart"/>
<register name="RAX" value="0x0000000000000076"/>
<register name="RBX" value="0x00000000C0BEB1D0"/>
<register name="RCX" value="0x0000000000000053"/>
<register name="RDX" value="0x0000000000000027"/>
<register name="RSI" value="0x00000001E4D769B0"/>
<register name="RDI" value="0x0000000000000000"/>
<register name="RSP" value="0x000000001A5EF958"/>
<register name="RBP" value="0x000000004278F368"/>
<register name="RIP" value="0x0000000061978F6F"/>
<register name="EFL" value="0x0000000000010297"/>
<register name="LastExceptionToRip" value="0x0000000000000000"/>
<register name="LastExceptionFromRip" value="0x0000000000000000"/>
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We’ve reviewed the email address you use with this forum and find no crash reports in our system.
Did you see a crash dialog?
Do you use a different email address when filling out the crash report?
Was the crash dialog Adobe’s? Microsoft’s?
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Yes the crash dialog was Adobe's.
This is the email that I used for the multiple crash reports that I've sent.
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None have been received since 6/27 and that was a one-off crash experienced by only you.
The next time you experience a crash in 13.4, fill out the dialog, screenshot it, and post it here before submitting it.
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Please try is to switch off the GPU support from the Lightroom preferences and check if that helps to fix the issue. Go to Lightroom > Preferences > Performance tab > Uncheck "Use Graphics Processor" > Restart Lightroom.
If Lightroom doesn't start correctly the please see "Solution 2" in the document behind the link below.
Troubleshoot GPU issues | Lightroom Classic (
If this doesn't help the next step is to try to reset the Lightroom preferences.
It's recommended to backup your preferences before you reset the preferences to the default settings:
If this doesn't help we need more informations about your environment.
Please provide also a copy of your 'System Info'. This can be get from the LrC Help > System Info menu item. There's a copy button in the System Info dialog. Press this button and paste the info into your next forum post.
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"My first post has a crash report in it."
Crash reports are of little value when posted in a forum and should probably not be posted unless requested. Most people won't bother to scroll and read and will move on to another post.
Of far greater value is submitting the report via the dialog, where it can be reviewed by engineers, grouped with like crashes, and analyzed in the context of the numbers of affected users, OSs, geographic regions, and other key details.
If you can get a crash dialog again, fill it out, screenshot it, and submit it as an image in your post.
That will provide far more information than posting a limited crash dump in the forum.
After reading your paragraph in your last post, you likely have a hardware/OS/Device driver crash. BSODs are not caused by Applications.
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I submitted at least three crash reports via the adobe dialog box and provided my email address. I requested assistance from Adobe when I submitted the crash reports. I have not recievied any response. The crash report in my first post is the entire report. I have it saved in Notepad. Who do I contact at Adobe to escalate this?
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What email did you use when submitting?
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<deleted for privacy>
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As suspected, I found three separate buckets for that Adobe ID. However, the three crash buckets are unique to your Adobe ID and not shared by others. Typically, that means you have a local system issue causing the crashes - otherwise, we would see other customers having the same crash.
Given the BSOD you reported and the fact that you are also crashing without dialogs appearing, I suspect that you may have a device driver in play here. The crashing module is cameraraw.dll, which is very susceptible to GPU driver faults.
Update your video driver to the latest STUDIO driver - avoid Game-ready drivers.
Perform a preference file reset
This procedure works for both Lightroom Classic and Lightroom Desktop.
If you are using Lightroom Desktop, it can change your local storage location. Please review this setting after resetting preferences.
Reset Procedure:
1. Close Lightroom.
2. Hold down [Alt/Opt]+[Shift] while restarting Lightroom.
3. Overwrite the Preferences when prompted by the dialog.
4. Close Lightroom.
5. Restart Lightroom.
And, finally, a clean reinstall of Lightroom Classic
Clean Lightroom Install Procedure
If you experience another crash after those items, fill out the dialog completely, screenshot it, and attach it to your reply.
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I followed the steps. I had to rebuild my catalog after reinstalling it. It crashed again in about 5 minutes without a dialog box. I am not having any issues with any other app that I use. If we can't figure this out, I will have to cancel my subscription. It has become almost unusable.
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I had already checked my video drivers and I'm using the current version of the Nvidia studio drivers and Windows updates are current.
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If you've followed all the steps I've given you and you are crashing without an Adobe dialog, I will have to refer you to Microsoft to retrieve and diagnosing your crash behavior.
If you crash with an Adobe dialog again, please fill it out and screenshot it and post it before submitting it.
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I tried some things and it seems to be working for now. Here are the steps that I did:
I have about 500 more photos to work. I will work several hundred on the above config before trying it on the new monitor. I will ensure that I'm not having any issues with this config before trying to enable HDR on the monitors. In the past, I had tried it with HDR enabled and disabled and had crashes both ways. It could take a couple of weeks for me to test it. I will update my posts when I have new results.
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Problem is still there, but not as frequent. I was able to complete the remaining 500 photos with three crashes (no Adobe dialog). One of those crashed Windows. I used the event viewer to find where the Windows crash dump file is located. I will continue to explore if there are any Windows OS issues that Lightroom is triggering.