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Lightroom Classic - 'No photos in selected Folder' - Major issue

New Here ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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I hope someone can assist me - This is a major issue for me as I have an urgent client project to deliver.

Upon relaunching Lightroom [9.4 release: Build 202008061458-dbb2971e] / Windows 10 - after quitting and saving my backup - All my imported folders are no longer showing any of my images in preview.

I'm presented with the message 'No photos in selected Folder' in the preview pane - [See image 01]

To be clear.
I have my images stored on an external hard drive with a fixed drive letter. This is working perfectly.
I have previously imported the working catalogue folders from this drive and these are still showing as 'found'. They also show the number of images, as imported, within them. Selecting any folder presents me with the error message in the preview pane [image 01 - as above].

Clicking on  ANY of my folders in the respective drive location in my Library:Folders pane - despite showing the folder as active and with the number of files available within it - presents me with the same issue/message.
Images held in Collections however do display in the Library view, and can be selected and Developed. [see images 02 and 03].
Images held in Collections, when right-clicked on, and I select 'Go to Folder in Library', go to the folder as it should, but then I receive the error again [see image 04]. So the files are there - yet they aren't there...??
The files ARE in their locations on the hard drive that the folders are pointed to - and reflect the 'count' as the Library:Folder list pane shows [see image 05].
I have tried to import the images/folders again - All the images are greyed out showing they're already imported [see image 06]. But as previously covered, none will display in the Library view and the error message is presented. [image 01]
I have tried the 'Synchronize Folder' option to 'relink' these or update these, but whilst this brings up the dialog box - this neither shows there are images to import or that there are no images to import, it then hangs at this point and does nothing... [see image 07]


So... What can I do to get my catalog images to redisplay in the Catalogue preview pane of my Library?


From the above, I hope my issue is clear - Whilst I have the files - in many case processed and with attributes therefore attached - I can't access them unless I've previously placed these in a collection - and this is not always the case.

I can't risk deleting all the folders and reimporting them - as I'll lose all the Developed attributes.


Basically. Help!!!!








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Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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Is that external hard drive going into power save? 






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New Here ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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Nope. Checked that.





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Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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In the future, So people don't have to download the image you have attached, please use the Insert Photos icon found in the Tool Bar of the Post and Reply text entry dialog window as pictured below.
If you can please Edit your post to remove the Attached screen shot and Include it in the body of the text of your post.

You do that by Clicking the "More..." link at the bottom of your post, Selecting "Edit Message" and then use the "Insert Photos" icon in the tool bar at the top of the Post/Reply/Edit dialog box.
If you can't edit your post please include the screen shot you attached to a new reply to this conversation.
The Insert Photos icon is this one in the Tool Bar.

2020-06-07 19_13_42-Camera Raw Brush tool problem - Adobe Support Community - 11189555.png
Thank you.





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New Here ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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A little bit terse in tone - first time here and hardly in 'normal' circumstances. But thanks for your heads up.

I hope not to have to be here often after all.





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Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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"I have previously imported the working catalogue folders from this drive and these are still showing as 'found'."

Please provide a detailed description with timeline on what you were trying do and what you actually did. The devil is in the details!






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New Here ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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Hi Todd.
I thought I'd pretty much - along with the images - given chapter and verse here to someone who was familiar at the level I probably need in Lightroom to assist here. Sorry for the confusion.



There is none. As I said -and I thought the statement you pasted would explain adequately- over a period of time; several months, I've imported folders as added from my external drive into Lightroom. Everything worked as it should do up til this afternoon - when suddenly; despite the folders [as you can see from the screenshots] showing as 'active' and present or 'found' rather than when they're greyed out and missing - and with the number of files contained therein showing - when I click on any one of these in this list - I get the message in the preview window 'No photos in selected Folder' and as shown in image 01.
Does this clarify where I am with this and what I meant by the above?





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New Here ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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Here are the screenshots as I'm unable to edit the post... [No options appear when I click on More to do this...]






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Community Expert ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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This looks like catalog corruption. This problem has been reported a few times here. You said you had just made a catalog backup, so restore your catalog with that backup and see if that solves the problem.


-- Johan W. Elzenga





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 24, 2023 Feb 24, 2023

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Hello, I have precisely the same problem as the gentleman above which showed up today, yesterday everything was fine..  I followed your suggestion and restored my catalogue but I am still getting the "no photos in folder message".  This seems to apply to my external drives where I keep most of my data.  What little I have on the computer hard drive seems to be ok. 


Also, when I go from a collection image to folder in library it does not go.  Any suggestions?





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Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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Sorry you feel my tone was terse, but you said "previously imported the working catalogue folders." That could mean photo folders or LrC catalog file folders. How many LrC catalog files do you use and where are they located? The LrC catalog folder contains the following:


LrC Catlog Folder.jpg


Sinc this issue ocurred right after creating a LrC catalog backup I suggest you try using that backup .lrcat ZIP file.


1) Close LrC and using File Explorer navigate to your LrC catalog folder as shown above.

2) Rename the Lightroom Classic Catalog-2.lrcat file (or whatever yours is named) and rename it Lightroom Classic Catalog-2.lrcat.HOLD.

3) Navigate to the LrC Backup Catalog file location, unzip the LrC backup file, and place the Lightroom Classic Catalog-2.lrcat file (or whatever yours is named) into the LrC catalog folder as shown above.

4) Restart LrC and see if the issue is resolved.





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New Here ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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Thanks Todd - And no I didn't find you terse - I was replying to the mod giving me a bo**ocking for attaching my images rather than embedding inline...  [New here and frankly missed the image icon in the header bar, but saw the clear-as-day link to attach images. Go figure!]

Anyway. Thanks for this - That did the trick.

I need to naturally make the changes I made again since the previous - but this is way less than starting over. Still no idea why it screwed up but when time is against us we seldom care to worry about getting to that - and when things are going fine we rarely go over old ground - so I guess I'll carry on and hope it doesn't happen again.

At least I have a workaround now if it does.


Much appreciated.






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Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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Glad to hear that restoring the catalog backup file resolved the issue. Make sure the below settings are checked when you do a catalog backup. It will take a little longer, but may help prevent this issue form reocurring. Also make sure the catalog backup ZIP file is stored on a different drive than your working LrC catalog folder.

Concerning Just Shoot Me's post he was just trying to be helpful concerning posting screenshots. He's also an ACP like me and is very helpful in the Adobe Forums. Please don't be turned-off to using the forums–There's a lot of expertise here at your disposal for FREE! Enjoy!


Backup settings.JPG





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