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Lightroom crash when deleting photos 2022

New Here ,
Dec 21, 2022 Dec 21, 2022

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Hey there,


I am recently running into an issue with LR classic. 


I use a plug in called batch.ai to batch edit and level my photos. I typically cull as I go.


What I am finding is that every time I run the plug-in and return to lightroom, I go to cull and delete photos from the library and it works just fine for a few frames. However, after 3 frames it freezes. I am able to move in the carousel below, however the frame doesn't move on the screen, the preview doesn't show up in the top left corner, it will delete the photos from the carousel but I am unable to view the photos in the main editing screen. I can't make adjustments or really move from the previous frame I am trying to delete.


I spoke with batch.ai and they said it was an issue on the LR end. I uninstalled LR classic, the plug in, and reinstalled both. I am up to date on all software.


Does anyone else seem to know why this is happening?







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Dec 21, 2022 Dec 21, 2022

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Try resetting LR's preferences:

LR sometimes soils its preferences file, and resetting it can fix all sorts of wonky behavior. That article explains how to restore the old preferences if resetting doesn't help.


And if it doesn't help, and if these symptoms happen reliably after invoking the plugin, then the plugin developers will need to investigate and work with Adobe.  I just read the (annoyingly vague) web site, and it looks like the plugin may be pushing the limits of the LR SDK for plugins, and it's often the case that such plugins will trip over bad LR behavior and the developers will need to look for workarounds, while waiting (often in vain) for Adobe to fix any reported bugs.





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