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Lightroom stürzt beim Entrauschen ab

Community Beginner ,
Dec 22, 2023 Dec 22, 2023

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Hallo, seit dem neuesten Update habe ich das Problem, dass Lightroom beim Entrauschen einen Fehler meldet und sich komplett aufhängt. Wie kann ich das Problem lösen?







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Dec 22, 2023 Dec 22, 2023

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What error?





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 22, 2023 Dec 22, 2023

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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE AdobeCrashReport SYSTEM "AdobeCrashReporter.dtd">
<crashreport serviceVersion="" clientVersion="" applicationName="Adobe Lightroom Classic" applicationVersion="13.1" build="[202312111226-41a494e8]" source="Windows-Client" crashType="n/a">
<time year="2023" month="12" day="22" hour="23" minute="14" second="5" timeoffset="60" timezone="Mitteleuropäische Zeit"/>
<user guid="954d6e51-88b1-49af-aa89-7e5770493dd0"/>
<system platform="Windows 11 Home" osversion="11.0" osbuild="22621" applicationlanguage="de-de" userlanguage="de-DE" oslanguage="de-DE" ram="7959" machine="Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz" model="Intel64 Family 6 Model 126 Stepping 5" cpuCount="8" cpuType="8664" cpuFreq="1190 MHz" processorArchitecture="9"/>
<gpuinfo availability="Running/Full Power" adapterCompatibility="Intel Corporation" adapterRAM="1024 MB" caption="Intel(R) UHD Graphics" description="Intel(R) UHD Graphics" driverDate="20210310000000.000000-000" driverVersion="" videoModeDescription="1680 x 1050 x 4294967296 Farben" pnpDeviceID="PCI&#92;VEN_8086&#38;DEV_8A56&#38;SUBSYS_097A1028&#38;REV_07&#92;3&#38;11583659&#38;0&#38;10" installedDisplayDrivers="igd10iumd64.dll,igd12umd64.dll,igdumdim64.dll"/>
<gpuinfo availability="Off Line" adapterCompatibility="Citrix Systems Inc." adapterRAM="" caption="Citrix Indirect Display Adapter" description="Citrix Indirect Display Adapter" driverDate="20190123000000.000000-000" driverVersion="" videoModeDescription="" pnpDeviceID="PCI&#92;VEN_5853&#38;DEV_1003&#92;1&#38;79F5D87&#38;0&#38;03" installedDisplayDrivers=""/>
<crash exception="EXCEPTION_UNKNOWN" exceptionCode="0xc0000002" instruction="0x00007FFDFBC7567C">





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<system platform="Windows 11 Home" osversion="11.0" osbuild="22621" applicationlanguage="de-de" userlanguage="de-DE" oslanguage="de-DE" ram="7959" machine="Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz" model="Intel64 Family 6 Model 126 Stepping 5" cpuCount="8" cpuType="8664" cpuFreq="1190 MHz" processorArchitecture="9"/>


A 1 GHz CPU? Is that info correct? Surprised LrC v13 would install on a under spec rig.


<gpuinfo availability="Running/Full Power" adapterCompatibility="Intel Corporation" adapterRAM="1024 MB" caption="Intel(R) UHD Graphics" description="Intel(R) UHD Graphics" driverDate="20210310000000.000000-000" driverVersion="" videoModeDescription="1680 x 1050 x 4294967296 Farben" pnpDeviceID="PCI&#92;VEN_8086&#38;DEV_8A56&#38;SUBSYS_097A1028&#38;REV_07&#92;3&#38;11583659&#38;0&#38;10" installedDisplayDrivers="igd10iumd64.dll,igd12umd64.dll,igdumdim64.dll"/>
<gpuinfo availability="Off Line" adapterCompatibility="Citrix Systems Inc." adapterRAM="" caption="Citrix Indirect Display Adapter" description="Citrix Indirect Display Adapter" driverDate="20190123000000.000000-000" driverVersion="" videoModeDescription="" pnpDeviceID="PCI&#92;VEN_5853&#38;DEV_1003&#92;1&#38;79F5D87&#38;0&#38;03" installedDisplayDrivers=""/>


So, apparently an Integrated Video Control, Intel UHD Graphics, driver version and no VRAM. Or am I wrong on interpreting that info? Or is that info in error?


I think that driver is from 2011, so extremely old. Are their any updates?


Surprised AI Denoise would work at all, that it is available to try.


Something seems so very wrong in that crash report. Those bits of info listed above should lead to not being able to install much less run v13 at all.


Please post your system information, as LrC normally reports it. In LrC click on Help, then System Info, then Copy. Paste that info into a reply (mostly interested in info from first line down to and including preset info, not at all interested at the gobbledygook after plugin info.




example deleted now that author poste sys info, this to improve scroll space (i.e. dump unneeded text)







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Their is at least one posting in the community with that error.


One appears to be a corrupt catalog or at a minimum a corrupt image issue.


If you create a new catalog, import a few images into the new catalog, and attempt a AI Denoise, do you get the error? The crash?




and another with a GPU driver issue:







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Community Beginner ,
Dec 23, 2023 Dec 23, 2023

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ja, 1 GHz ist richtig. Ich habe einen Dell Inspiron 3793.

Ja genau, der Treiber ist aus 2011 😉 Letztes Update 2021

Das Problem scheint nicht an dem Katalog zu liegen. Habe es bereits in anderen versucht und es erscheint der gleiche Fehler.


Danke für die Hilfe!



Lightroom Classic-Version: 13.1 [ 202312111226-41a494e8 ]
Lizenz: Creative Cloud
Spracheinstellung: de
Betriebssystem: Windows 11 - Home Premium Edition
Version: 11.0.22621
Anwendungsarchitektur: x64
Systemarchitektur: x64
Anzahl logischer Prozessoren: 8
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 1,1GHz
SQLite-Version: 3.36.0
CPU-Auslastung: 4,0%
Integrierter Speicher: 7959,3 MB
Dedizierter GPU-Speicher, der von Lightroom verwendet wird: 2506,6MB / 128,0MB (1958%)
Für Lightroom verfügbarer phys. Speicher: 7959,3 MB
Von Lightroom verwendeter phys. Speicher: 2052,9 MB (25,7%)
Von Lightroom verwendeter virtueller Speicher: 4942,4 MB
Anzahl GDI-Objekte: 825
Anzahl BENUTZER-Objekte: 3258
Anzahl Prozess-Handles: 1898
Cache-Speichergröße: 58,4MB
Interne Camera Raw-Version: 16.1 [ 1728 ]
Maximale Anzahl Threads, die Camera Raw verwendet: 5
Camera Raw SIMD-Optimierung: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Virtueller Speicher in Camera Raw: 781MB / 3979MB (19%)
Physischer Speicher in Camera Raw: 948MB / 7959MB (11%)
DPI-Einstellung des Systems: 96 DPI
Desktop-Komposition aktiviert: Ja
Standardvorschaugröße: 1920 Pixel
Monitore/Anzeigegeräte: 1) 1680x1050, 2) 1920x1080
Eingabetypen: Multitouch: Nein, integrierte Toucheingabe: Nein, integrierter Stift: Nein, externe Toucheingabe: Nein, externer Stift: Nein, Tastatur: Nein
Informationen zum Grafikprozessor: 
DirectX: Intel(R) UHD Graphics (
Anfangsstatus: GPU für Bildverarbeitung wird standardmäßig mit benutzerdefinierter Unterstützung für das Exportieren unterstützt
Benutzerpräferenz: Automatisch
Anwendungsordner: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic
Bibliothekspfad: G:\2023\2023_12_15_Hochzeit_Elina_Julian\Elina_Julian - LrK\Elina_Julian - LrK.lrcat
Einstellungen-Ordner: C:\Users\irina\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom
Installierte Zusatzmodule: 
1) AdobeStock
2) Flickr
3) Neurapix SmartPresets
4) Nikon Tether-Zusatzmodul
Config.lua-Flags: None
Adapter Nr. 1: Anbieter : 8086
Gerät : 8a56
Subsystem : 97a1028
Version : 7
Grafikspeicher : 128
Adapter Nr. 2: Anbieter : 8086
Gerät : 8a56
Subsystem : 97a1028
Version : 7
Grafikspeicher : 80
Adapter Nr. 3: Anbieter : 1414
Gerät : 8c
Subsystem : 0
Version : 0
Grafikspeicher : 0
AudioDeviceIOBlockSize: 1024
AudioDeviceName: $$$/dvaaudiodevice/SystemDefaultAndEffectiveDeviceName=System Default - Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)#{comment}DVAAU-4201250: Open the audio hardware preferences page.
AudioDeviceNumberOfChannels: 2
AudioDeviceSampleRate: 48000
Build: LR5x120
Direct2DEnabled: false





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Dec 23, 2023 Dec 23, 2023

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Informationen zum Grafikprozessor: 
DirectX: Intel(R) UHD Graphics (
Anfangsstatus: GPU für Bildverarbeitung wird standardmäßig mit benutzerdefinierter Unterstützung für das Exportieren unterstützt
Benutzerpräferenz: Automatisch


So, that driver version,, using Google to research that driver, it looks like that version  was released in April of 2021, so very old. You should see if an update is available, either at Dell (some think Dell  is a bit poor on these particular drivers updates) or Intel.


  • Some people insist that they must get a driver update from the laptop mfg. For a laptop this might be correct as to avoid incompatibilities.
  • Some people think that Microsoft Updates will accomplish a video control or graphics processor driver update. Very sure that approach is wrong.
  • Might consider going to Intel, and looking for the driver update.



yes, 1 GHz is correct. I have a Dell Inspiron 3793



Ah, good info to post. So bad news, going to Dell.com, for support, for that laptop, in the drivers section, they do not appear to have a newer driver available.




Doing some searched on the web for the driver, leads to some Intel sites, but they are not at all helpful as their are many variables in identifying the correct video control, etc. AND, Intel actually does recommend contacting the computer mfg for the drivers before trying to get it from Intel as to avoid incompatibilities.


So, you may have to call Dell for help.


a quote from an Intel site:

We recommend that you check first with your computer manufacturer and use the driver software provided by them to avoid potential installation incompatibilities. Intel supplies generic versions of Graphics Drivers for general purposes. Computer manufacturers might have changed the features, incorporated customizations, or made other changes to the graphics driver software or software packaging.






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