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Lightroom Classic zeigt 2 Datein die permanent (seit Wochen) einen Synchronisationsfehler zeigen.
Im Lightroom mobile werden keine Synch-fehler angezeigt.
Wie kann ich machen, damit die beiden Fotos (siehe Anhang) nicht mehr als Synch-fehler angezeigt werden?
Im Anhang der Screenshot, wie der Synch-fehler in LRc angezeigft wird.
Die Funktion "Daten zur Synchronisierung neu erstellen" würde ich gerne vermeiden.
Der erstellte Doagnosebericht hat mir leider auch keine Erkenntnisse gebracht, wie ich die Synch-fehler beheben kann.
ich freue mich auf sachliche lösungsorientierte Nachricht.
Danke im Voraus 🙏🏻
[moved from bugs to discussions according to the community rules - Mod.]
1 Correct answer
Hey, @RolandDutzler. I'll help you figure this out. Great job summarizing what works and what doesn't; it helps. We know the two files that are stuck as per the screenshot.
Please remove these images from the collection they belong to and wait for Lightroom to process this change. After this, apply a few edits or flags to these images & add them to a new Sync collection.
If nothing changes after some time, check Lightroom Web ( and look for the Deleted Section and th
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Hey, @RolandDutzler. I'll help you figure this out. Great job summarizing what works and what doesn't; it helps. We know the two files that are stuck as per the screenshot.
Please remove these images from the collection they belong to and wait for Lightroom to process this change. After this, apply a few edits or flags to these images & add them to a new Sync collection.
If nothing changes after some time, check Lightroom Web ( and look for the Deleted Section and the Sync issues tab (if they exist). Emptying both of these has helped in the past. Before emptying these tabs, ensure you have backups for the images.
After this change, let Lightroom sync and check if it returns to normal.
Sameer K
(Type '@' and type my name to mention me when you reply)
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Thank you @Sameer K it helped.🙏🏻
I did as you prosposed.
I removed the images from the collection, waited that LRc processed this change and then added it again to the collection.
Now everything is synched as ist should be.
Thank you so much.
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