LrC tutorials
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LIGHTROOM CLASSIC has a number of tutorials. I've viewed a handfull of them but I'm confused about what I see on these videos. My new LrC app looks nothing like the one on the video. Somebody named Ben is featured in a lot of them. I notice on his PC in the uppper left corner is the symbol for "LR." Also I see a date at the bottom from 2017.
Seems to me these videos are vastly outdated and not much help at all. Am I missing something here ?
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LIGHTROOM CLASSIC has a number of tutorials. I've viewed a handfull of them but I'm confused about what I see on these videos. My new LrC app looks nothing like the one on the video.
I notice on his PC in the uppper left corner is the symbol for "LR." Also I see a date at the bottom from 2017.
Seems to me these videos are vastly outdated and not much help at all. Am I missing something here ?
By Dick_Davis
It seems that you watch tutorials for the cloud based Lightroom (Lightroom Desktop app). It's looks very different interface compared to Lightroom Classic. On YouTube, for example, you can find a lot of tutorials for Lightroom Classic.
You just have to make sure that they refer to Lightroom Classic
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Or maybe @Dick_Davis has installed Lightroom (Lr icon) and not Lightroom Classic (LrC icon).
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TY but I do have LrC and LR. I purchased the Photography Plan (20GB) about 3 weeks ago. It also includes Bridge and Photoshop
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Are you looking at Lightroom Classic tutorials and comparing them the Lightroom (not-Classic)? Or the other way around?
So what is different in these 2017 tutorials? Some things have changed in LrC since 2017, more up-to-date tutorials about Lightroom Classic would be useful (and there are plenty of more recent tutorials).
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Yes, there are still many video tutorials online that are prehistoric, and many for Lightroom-Classic (Previously known simply as "Lightroom" ) that use the 'old' logo [Lr].
And perhaps more annoyingly (to me), many people now still take the easy way and say "Lightroom" when they mean "Lightroom-CLassic".
And also the use of "CC" in any Adobe app name was removed several years ago.
Here is the site I like to suggest for Lr-Classic tutorials-
(Always good to state App name and Version Number when posting in the forum- it gives others a head-start when suggesting an answer.)
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Recently purchased the package with LcR included. Some of the tutorials here seem to be dated. I'm seeing 2017 on a number of them. Are there any tutorials ... newer ones ... using Windows 11 available ?
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Yes, there are plenty of tutorials from 2024 and 2025. This is one of LrC's great strengths, there are humongous amount of tutorials available on YouTube and on and elsewhere. You have already been given a link to those on Julianne Kost's videos. Windows 11 is irrelevant, the Lightroom Classic user interface is the same on all operating systems.
@Dick_Davis Please provide the version NUMBER of your installed LrC.
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One way of several - Lr-CLassic main MENU > Help > System Info...
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Julieanne Kost of Adobe recently started re-creating updated versions of her excellent, free Lightroom Classic video tutorials on YouTube, so that the version shown is now much more current.
They’re not on Windows 11 (she uses a Mac), but that shouldn’t stop the videos from being useful to you, because most Lightroom Classic features work the same way on Windows and macOS.
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For anyone else reading this thread, I strongly recommend JKost's videos. She is very good at explaining the tools used and how to use Lightroom Classic/Lightroom.