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Multiple issues with managing my photo library in Lightroom Classic (Mac OS)

Explorer ,
Sep 29, 2024 Sep 29, 2024

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I’ve been experiencing multiple issues managing my photo library with Lightroom Classic (LrC). These problems occur time to time diring last year, but they have become much more frequent in the latest versions, sometimes happening several times a day now

  1. Missing smart previews: When my external hard drive is disconnected (with smart previews generated), I’ve tried exporting low-resolution images, but nothing happens—no reaction at all. I noticed that LrC shows "original photo" instead of "smart preview." After restarting LrC, it works fine for a while.

  2. Moving files between folders: When I attempt to move files from one folder to another, nothing happens. After restarting LrC, it works fine for a while.

  3. Book module: I tried exporting a PDF book with original photos stored on an external drive. After connecting the drive, some photos are randomly marked as missing, preventing the export. Again, after restarting, it works fine for a while.

  4. Flagging and rating: Sometimes, flagging and rating photos stop responding altogether. After restarting, it temporarily works again.

  5. Deleting rejected photos: When I try to delete rejected photos, nothing happens. A restart temporarily resolves the issue.

    I think these issues start appearing after I use other applications and Lightroom runs in the background, but I'm not sure.


[Moved from ‘Bugs’ to ‘Discussions’ by moderator, according to forum rules.]







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