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This thread is for all posts concerning Lightroom 6.x, whose last update, 6.14, was released in December 2017.
Status of software version
This includes questions regarding:
- Downloading
- Installing
- Activation
Any new threads created regarding these topics will be collected and merged into this thread.
2 Correct answers
There is no longer any on-line activation for Lr 6. To do the move, you will need to follow these instructions and then to install Lr 6 you will need to use the offline activation method
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I am currently having Lightroom classic 6.14 stand alone licence, and it is running on a windows 10 desktop. All my photos resides on a separate NAS. Now I would like to buy a new desktop with windows 11 and upgrade to the latest Lightroom classic subscription. I think the plan is with 20 GB. What are the correct steps to perform ? My idea is :
- Set up the new desktop windows 11 computer and connect it to the NAS
- Copy the Lightroom catalog from the windows 10 to the new windows 10 computer
- Download Lightroom classic subscription and install it on the windows 11 desktop.
Questions :
- Where should I place the Lihgtroom catalog file (from windows 10 desktop) in the new windows 11 desktop ?
- As I Understand it , the old catalog will be converted to a new one when I install Lihgtroom in the new desktop. Correct ?
- Are there any more files or objects that I need to copy from the old desktop ?
Many thanks in advance
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Full explanation here:
To answer your specific questions
1. LrC catalog can go anywhere that you have write permission as long it is not in "the cloud" and not in a folder that is shared with "the cloud" and not on a networked drive. It doesn't really matter. Probably you want it on your fastest disk, which is the internal disk. Best practice is to put it in the Pictures folder on Windows, easy to remember, easy to find.
2. A copy is made and the copy of the catalog file is upgraded (not converted) to the current LrC version. The original catalog file remains available and is unchanged.
3. At a minimum you need the .lrcat file and the .lrcat-data file. You can move other files as well, but the rest of these LrC will re-generate as needed.
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Thanks a lot to your fast and precice answer.
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Windows 11 is very assertive with OneDrive. Be sure OneDrive is not managing the catalog's folder. And Lightroom 6.14 doesn't create any .lrcat-data file, so don't worry about not finding that one to copy over. LrC will need to upgrade that v6 catalog. The LQ guide will be a big help.
FYI, the 20 GB Photography Plan won't be available to new subscribers as of January 15, so make your decision soon. There will be a more expensive 1 TB Photography Plan. If you don't need Photoshop, the current 1 TB Lightroom plan will add Lightroom Classic.
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Ich habe LR6 auf CD und habe sie auf W11 installiert. wenn ich die APP starte, ladet W11 das Programm, aber nach 3-4 sek. schliesst er es wieder! Warum ist es nicht möglich, LR6 MIT Produkt-ID zu installieren, ohne ABO?!? Ich habe für die LR6 version bezahlt und will sie nutzen, ich brauche nicht mehr! Warum werde ich gezwungen ein ABO zu nehmen?! Ist die gier nach dem geld so gross?
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Try un-installing Lr 6 and re-installing by using the offline activation method.
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Hi, I recently had to reinstall Windows and reinstall programs. I have a license for lightroom 6 linked to my Adobe account, but I don't seem to be able to do it. If I try to start it it asks me to paste the link into a browser and log in. I've done so, using 2fa, and then it sees the login and goes to the EULA. When I click accept on the EULA the program disappears and that's the end of it. When I click on it again the process repeats. I've tried running LR as administrator but it makes no difference seemingly.
My Adobe account shows a license for Lightroom 6 and no activated devices.
I'm not interested in paying for CC - I'm an occasional hobbyist photographer and Lightroom 6 suits my needs perfectly.
[Moved from ‘Bugs’ to ‘Discussions’ by moderator, according to forum rules.]
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I should clarify that I had the installer for 6.14 handy and it installed fine. It just won't run.
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Try the offline activation: Gelöst: Re: Lightroom 6 on a new PC - Adobe Community - 14638162
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That option doesn't exist. On product launch it says "Signing in with an Adobe ID is required to activate the software. Enter your Adobe ID to access your membership and register your product." The only option is "Sign In Now." The only options are to scan a QR code or paste a link into a web browser. I've been pasting the link into a web browser and it seems to work but after I sing in and it refreshes to show the EULA I accept it, and it disappears and nothing happens.
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That option doesn't exist. ...
By Ubertrout
Which option doesn't exists?
...On product launch it says "Signing in with an Adobe ID is required to activate the software. Enter your Adobe ID to access your membership and register your product." ...
By Ubertrout
Do you follow the steps described in the linked post?
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That option doesn't exist.
By Ubertrout
Not only does it exist, but many people in this forum have used it successfully.
So please show us a screen capture of what you are seeing.
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Here's what I'm getting. I don't see an offline option offered. Hitting X on the second screen returns me to the first screen. If I sign in it offers me the EULA, which I accept, and then disappears without opening the program. Attempting to open the program again takes me back to this screen.
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Here's what I'm getting. I don't see an offline option offered.
By Ubertrout
Offline activation is also not offered in the login dialogs. For this reason, I asked whether you had completed the steps described for offline activation in the linked posting.
Here are the appropriate steps again. Please follow them exactly one after the other:
- Disconnect the installed computer from the internet
- Launch the product.
- At the Serial Number Validation screen, click Having Trouble Connecting To The Internet.
- Click Offline Activation and click Generate a Response Code.
- Write down the Request Code.
- Switch to an online computer and navigate to
- Click Offline Activation.
- Sign in with your Adobe ID.
- Enter your Request code and click Generate.
- Write down the Response code.
- Switch back to the offline computer.
- Enter the Response Code and click Activate.
More info you find also here: Serial Number Validation screen launching Adobe Creative Suite 6
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Thanks, going offline was key. With the internet off I was able to start the program, update Adobe Application Manager (back online), and sign in online with the program open. It took the registration and now it opens fine.
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Bingo thank you I just encountered this problem and the solution here is the bees knees. Only correction, obvious when you go through the process, is that in step 9 you need both the request key and the lr product key.
While the offline validation takes a bit to type in the octets. I note that for those of us who upgraded from 4 to 5 to 6, you no longer need the older codes. The lr6 upgrade code is now standalone
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Buonasera, ho acquistato le licenze complete di Lightroom 5 e 6 negli anni passati, ma ora non riesco più a utilizzarle. Non voglio passare alla versione aggiornata di Lightroom, preferisco continuare ad usare le versioni che ho acquistato. Come posso fare?
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See here for Lr 5 downloads. You will need to have a valid serial number for Lr 5 when you install it.
See here for the Lr 6 downloads. You will need to have a valid serial number for Lr 6 when you install it.
Offline installation of Lr 6 (this is the only way to install LR 6):
Now, @majip14251466 this is very important. You must save the download file on your computer or in the cloud in case you need it again. There is no guarantee you will be able to download these files in the future.
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Grazie mille però non mi fa attivare il modulo sviluppo.
modulo Sviluppo e disattivato Per riattivarlo, acquistate un'iscrizione o una licenza.
se disponete di un numero di serie da immettere, disconnettetevi dal menu Aiuto, eseguite nuovamente l'accesso e fate clic su Autorizza questo software
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I think you need to uninstall all Lr 6 and any Adobe Creative Cloud software first.
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I got a new computer, but can't access Lightroom 6. I was sent a download link, but I end up stuck in a sign in loop. I have called Adobe multiple times and they are no help. Has anyone had this issue?
I have used multiple browsers and deleted cookies, ect.
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I am having the EXACT same issue!
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You won't get anything from Adobe for Lr6.
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The activation servers are not online anymore. You may try offline activation as described here:
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I got a new computer, but can't access Lightroom 6. I was sent a download link, but I end up stuck in a sign in loop. I have called Adobe multiple times and they are no help. Has anyone had this issue?
By natural_Explorer5E33
Adobe has removed all downloads of the installation files for LR6 on all their public websites. Support for LR6 has also been discontinued. So you'll get no more support from Adobe.
But you can download LR 6.14 from an Internet Archive:
Be aware: The downloads can take a minute or two to start and it can proceed very slowly. So be patient.
As @F. McLion wrote, the activation servers are no more online. You only can try a offline activation as described here:
Gelöst: Re: Lightroom 6 on a new PC - Adobe Community - 14638162