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Hello, i can't seem to make the new masking tool to work correct.
When i make an adjusment, by brush, auto select or any other tool the mask shows up in my image, red by default, and when i make a change in the Basic-panel, the adjustments will be applied over the whole image and not just the masked part.
Is this a bug or am i doing something nog correct?
Help please... 🙂
when i make a change in the Basic-panel
Wrong panel
Two possibilities I can think of:
1. You've inadvertently collapsed the local adjustment sliders and are using the Basic panel sliders
2. You are scrolling too far and using the Basic panel sliders by mistake
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I've moved this from the Using the Community forum (which is the forum for issues using the forums) to the LR forum so that proper help can be offered.
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Avant que quelqu'un m'en fasse la remarque, j'avais mis à jour Lr mais on m'avait conseillé de revenir à la version précédente au regard de mon souci. Ce qui n'a rien changé.
1/ Depuis les nouveaux magnifiques calques de masques mis en place avec les mises à jour (ironie), j'ai beau inverser les masques, vérifier que tout est cliqué/sélectionné, etc. Aucun de mes masques ne fonctionne correctement : toutes mes modifications impactent l'entièreté de la photo. Je ne peux plus faire de modification localisée, que ce soit avec le filtre radial ou linéaire. En revanche, ça fonctionne sur l'autre lightroom, mais je ne retrouve pas certaines fonctionnalités et je ne comprends pas l'intérêt de ce Lightroom par rapport à l'autre...
Du coup : si quelqu'un peut m'en donner la raison, il doit y avoir quelque chose que je n'ai pas bien fait… : mais quoi ?
2/ Là aussi, depuis cette mise à jour (de "&@), Lightroom classic se met en tête de convertir tous les paramètres prédéfinis au format XMP, ce qui met 2 ans à peu près. Bon, j'exagère : le temps d'écrire le paragraphe plus haut, quelques minutes...
Pour être honnête, j'ai récupéré pas mal de ces presets sur internet, que je n'ai pas encore essayé : et la version d'avant ne me les mettait pas à jour de façon systématique comme cela... Une idée ?
Merci à tous ceux qui auront la gentillesse de me dépanner, et merci par avance de votre bienveillance.
A bientôt !
PS : J'ai essayé de vous aider en capturant un écran de chaque problème.
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Il faut re-ouvrir le panneau (qui est a ce moment presque caché) ou se trouvent les controles localisés: plus bas, ce sont les modifications globaux qui se voient et qu'on donc utilise par erreur. Ce panneau restera ouvert.
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Non mais Richard OF LONDON : I LOVE YOU !!!
Je n'aurais jamais prêté attention à cette petite flèche, pourtant, j'avais suivi la mini formation de la mise à jour. Alors j'ai du loupé cette étape CRUCIALE ! Quelle idée de faire deux panneaux, c'est pas possible...
Merci beaucoup Richard, de votre promptitude : je vais pouvoir enfin réutiliser Lr Classic tout de suite. Quel soulagement (je ne trouvais pas l'option "ouvrir en tant que calque dans Ps" sur l'autre version par exemple...), que de temps perdu, merci encore !
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De rien: je trouve puissant et naturel, que les deux panneaux restent visible en meme temps. On peut equilibrer les effets locaux de l'un contre, ou en concert avec, les effets globaux de l'autre. On les modifie en parallel, disons.
(Un plaisir pour un anglophone d'essayer / massacrer cette belle langue encore...!)
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I didn't realize you were a native English speaker ! So, i thank you again for your swift response and i have to tell you : your French is impeccable!
Indeed, once we know we can navigate from one panel to another, it seems interesting. But one have to know what this little arrow actually means! Especially when it does many others things in the other panels, and usually :not really important ones !
Have a great weekend !
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It took me a while to find the correct name for these small triangles! 'Disclosure Triangle'.
And in the past- many could not even see the Disclosure triangles when they were Dark Grey on a Grey background.
Here is a Wikipedia definition-
A disclosure widget, expander, or disclosure triangle is a graphical control element that is used to show or hide a collection of "child" widgets in a specific area of the interface. The widget hides non-essential settings or information and thus makes the dialog less cluttered.
In the Lightroom-Classic interface the "widget" ie. Panel, is ESSENTIAL. 🙂
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Thanks so much everyone, this did the trick!
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Hallo, ich habe seit gestern ein Problem mit der Maskierungsfunktion in Lightroom Classic. Das Maskieren an sich funktioniert einwandfrei. Möchte ich dann aber den maskierten Bereich bearbeiten (z.B. Belichtung anpassen), wird diese Anpassung auf den gesamten Bildbereich angewendet - und nicht nur auf den maskierten Bereich. Auch die Maskierungsfarbe bleibt bestehen (die verschwindet ja normalerweise, wenn man die Regler betätigt). Was mache ich falsch - und wer kann helfen?
Lightroom Classic Version 11.2
Betriebssystem: Windows 10
Desktop Rechner
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You are working in the wrong slider-panel. You work in the Basic Panel, which applies to the wole image, not in the Masking Panel (collapsed, maybe?)!!
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Click Green marked Triangle
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Ruurd, you made my day! Thank you soooo much! I'm very happy now.
Have a great day and thanks again 🙂
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It's a very common user-error... I think Adobe should make their user-interface more clear on this point!
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Ah, okay, good to know. I thought, I was the only "stupid" one 😉
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Hi, I have Lightroom Classis on two PCs, when I go to create a mask in Lightroom Classic, say using radial-gradient the mask doe not recognise either the normal mask or invert, meaning when I make an adjustments everything adjusts. It works great on one PC but not the other.
Anything that may help
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Fantastic as simple as that, thank you.
Is it possible to draw around a subject also rather than using a pre-selected shaped tool?
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The Brush Tool!
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Yes, the brush tool - this is painting an area, not drawing a boundary - but achieving the edges of this area does not have to be 100% manually done. The task can be made much easier with the Brush's "automask" feature, which finds related colours within the photo selectively - whether while painting areas onto a mask, or while erasing back out, to fine-tune that.
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Hi, please can anyone help me?.
When I make any selection of a photo (sky, subject, etc.), and try to make adjustments on the selection, it makes them on the whole photo and not on the selected area. Has it happened to anyone?. How can I solve it?. Thank you
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Look at the second "correct answer" to this thread. You are making your adjustments in the Basic panel rather than the local adjustments panel. You may have inadvertently collapsed the local adjustments panel and may need to click the triangle to expand it again.
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Thaks a lot!!!!!.
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Lightroom Classic
Example: I used the radial gradiant to add to a small part of the image. When I tried to change exposure, to just that part of the image, it instead applied the change to the entire image.
I have had this happen on multiple occasions recently and wonder if it is a bug.....
If I am doing something incorrectly, please help?
Thank you....
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Are the changes applied to the whole image. or outside the area of the radial gradient? There's a checkbox "Invert" to change whether adjustments affect the area inside or outside of a radial gradient.
Highlight parts of a photo with radial gradients | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom tutorials
If this doesn't help, please try resetting the preferences of Lightroom Classic:
It's recommended to backup your preferences before you reset the preferences to the default settings:
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You are most likely using the Basic panel, which adjusts the whole image.
Scroll up to see the local adjustments panel.
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LR Classic 11.2 used on Mac M1 Pro. All versions of software and operating systems are all current. Recently lost all masking functions in LRC. Selections can be made wither auto or manual, but any adjustments are only applied globally, not just to the selection. Also missing is the "Done" button in the lower right corner. Many restart sequences tried without result. Thoughts??