P: Objektivkorrektur mit Canon EOS R6m2 und RF 24-240mm
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Als frischgebackener und stolzer Besitzer einer R6 Mark 2 und eines RF 24-240mm musste ich leider schon nach wenigen Schüssen ein interessantes Verhalten bei der Fotonachbearbeitung feststellen, das sich besonders bei kurzer Brennweite verstärkt:
1) Foto schießen mit CR3 und JPG
2) In der Nachbetrachtung auf der Kamera scheint das Foto dem Ausschnitt zu entsprechen, den man aufgenommen hat
3) Import von CR3 und JPG in Lightroom Classic-Version: 13.4 [ 202406181129-60d181b7 ]
4) Im Fotostapel zieht die Entwicklung des CR3. Der Objektivfilter wurde automatisch angepasst für Kamera und Objektiv - richtig erkannt. Egal ob man v2 oder nicht auswählt, das Bild ist 1:1 das gleiche und furchbar verzerrt. Zudem passt der Ausschnitt nicht.
Der Vergleich mit dem JPG gibt Gewissheit, dass es mit diesem Filter irgendetwas hat.
Neuinstallation von Lightroom brachte keinen Erfolg. Also was tun?
Original JPG von der Kamera attached. CR3 kann ich nicht attachen (Fehlermeldung) - ich habe aus diesem Grund dieses als jpg ohne jegliche exportiert; jeweils mit und ohne Objektivkorrektur
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Can you export the CR3 in your example as a DNG file with your edits intact and share the DNG with us for review?
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Sorry, my fault. I just failed in attaching the CR3 but did not think of a DNG file 😉
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I just realised there was no file attached in my reply. 2nd try: I recognised that error message. What is wrong?
Korrigieren Sie die markierten Fehler und versuchen Sie es danach erneut.
Der Inhaltstyp (image/x-adobe-dng) des Anhangs 006a2298.dng stimmt nicht mit dessen Dateierweiterung überein und wurde entfernt.
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I just realised there was no file attached in my reply. 2nd try: I recognised that error message. What is wrong?
Korrigieren Sie die markierten Fehler und versuchen Sie es danach erneut.
Der Inhaltstyp (image/x-adobe-dng) des Anhangs 006a2298.dng stimmt nicht mit dessen Dateierweiterung überein und wurde entfernt.
By cph.0x00
If your reply was via e-mail, as opposed to on the community site, then that is what is wrong. Placing attachments in a reply via e-mail fails in these community pages.
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Sorry to say, but I tried uploading the DNG via the web form on this site. Uploading succeeds first. When I press the publish button, I get the error message reported in my last posting. No idea what I could do instead
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Ah, a DNG file.
Ok, the way to share that is to save it to the cloud, perhaps DropBox, or another Internet source to share photos at, and include a link to that in a reply
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Finally, I got it! Thanks. This is my DNG file
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Got it! Thanks. I've forwarded to the Camera Raw team for review.
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@Rikk Flohr: Photography , @cph.0x00
I'm just seeing this thread now. If the issue being reported by the OP is the very dark corners of raw files at 24mm end when lens profile has not be applied, then this is expected with this particular lens. It's due to a design compromise by Canon and has been well documented and discussed since it's original release in 2019. The lens actually has a focal length at 24mm end of around 22mm before correction. The excess 2mm allows for the signficant amount of correction required by the lens.
Above being said, when the in-camera corrected 24mm jpeg images are compared with LrC corrected raw images (Adobe's v2 profile), it's clear that the in-camera correction of jpeg actually crops the image tighter than the Adobe v2 profile. I suspect this is the reason for dark corner shading in the corrected DNG file that @cph.0x00 supplied.
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I've attached a screenshot comparing the Adobe v2 profile correction of the raw file with the in-camera correction of the jpeg file. Notice that the in-camera corrected jpeg has been cropped much tighter than the corrected raw, which would suggeste that the Adobe v2 profile iss not fully correcting the image.
I would also add that whilst my copy of the lens seems to show less corner shading after raw file correction than @cph.0x00 copy, closer examination indicates that some shading is still present.
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Greetings all,
Updates for the Adobe Photography Products are released. The August 2024 updates contain an update for this issue.
If you do not see the update in your Creative Cloud Application, you can refresh it by hitting [Ctrl/Cmd]+[Alt/Opt]+[ R ].
Note: It may take up to 24 hours for your update to be available in your Creative Cloud app.
Thank you for being so patient.
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i have a similar problem with my Canon EOS R6 and the RF 24-240mm
When i use lens-correction, i get a frame around the picture, see attachment 2.png, when i switch off lens correction, the frame is not visible, see attachment 3.png.
i use the latetst version, see attachment 1.png
i had the same problem 3 years ago, see
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A bug report and temporary workaround is available at the following link.
Note that this thread may be merged with above thread as it relates to the same lens/profile combination.
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The August update for Lightroom still didn't fix the lens profile issue for the RF 24-240mm lens. Version 3 smears pixels at the edges—I have to manually change to Version 2 or the original version. Adobe, please fix!