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Some time ago I posted my issues with "Export with previous", you recommended to reset preferences. I tried to do it from menu (twice) but Lightroom were always freezing at that step, so I removed them manually. I know they were removed because Lightroom welcomed me and proposed tutorial tips on start.
However the issue still happens, so maybe I will describe my process:
1) I browse multiple folders with photos in Lightroom and I put some photos in the target collection
2) I go to my target collection, I edit photo in Photoshop, after that I save the photo and it appears in my collection, so I have NEF then tiff next to each other in my target collection
3) then I go to my NEF (in target collection) and I click "set color label" to purple, to mark photo as processed, so I won't put it in the queue again
4) then I go to my tiff (in target collection) and I click export, I set directory as todays date and it saves jpg in my directory
5) then I go to develop and click "Black & White" to generate BW version of the processed photo
6) then I click "Export with previous" - at this point not my tiff is exported, but my NEF!
7) then I click "Export" - and then my tiff is correctly exported
Please analyse my workflow, what may cause problem in point 6?
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it saves jpg in my directory
If I understand your workflow-
"Export with previous" means Export with the last used Export dialog (or Preset). If the Export is set to 'File settings: JPG' then you should be getting a JPG for each file you export with "...Previous".
If your original files have the same file name (eg. ABC.NEF and ABC.TIF) then you should be seeing the "Overwrite?" question because you are trying to export to ABC.JPG in both exports.
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File format is not related to the issue at all.
Let me explain by rephrasing.
There are two files:
file A which is original source image (in NEF format)
file B which is processed image (in TIFF format)
By exporting I create JPG files with my export preset, so yes, each export produces JPG file, however, the issue is what is the source of export
file A is the photo I click "edit in Photoshop" and later I set its color label, so I use this file in Lightroom twice: to click edit and to click "set color label"
file B is the photo I want to export, it's created by Photoshop and this is the only file I am interested in while exporting
the problem is that after exporting file B correctly with "Export" I then click "Export with previous" and Lightroom is exporting not file B but file A
for some reason Lightroom thinks that file A is the one I am interested in
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Sorry, my tests following your workflow- I cannot re-produce your problem.
1) A.raw > Ps > B.tif
2) Export B.tif > B.jpg on the first ocassion. (OK)
3) If I repeat with B.tif selected and [Export with previous] -the same happens! > B(unique name).jpg
4) If I want A.raw to [Export with Previous] I must select photo A.raw and [Export with previous].
So what image is selected (high-lighted), A or B? when you [Export with previous]?
Perhaps you need to apply the 'Universal Panacea' that is Reset Preferences
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My steps were more complex, are you also using collection and color labelling?
I wrote about resetting preferences in the first sentence.
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I followed your steps exactly and did not have the issue on my Mac.
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I wonder what else can I try to fix that, I assume reinstalling Lightroom is no better than removing preferences. Thanks for checking.
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"...reinstalling Lightroom is no better than removing preferences." In fact- Not as effective at all! Mostly does nothing.
"...using collection and color labelling?.."
Doesn't alter any Export function!
The SELECTED photo (be that the NEF or the TIF) is the one that exports with [Export with previous].
Can you screen-clip a SELECTED photo (Your photo B), then [Export with previous], and show us the exported JPG please?
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I just reproduced the issue again.
There are two photos on the screenshot.
Right one is NEF file which I edited in Photoshop.
Left one is PSD file which was exported by Photoshop.
Lightroom mark them as stacked.
I set color label of right one to purple.
Left one is selected (see bottom line).
Export exports processed one (PSD), Export with previous exports unprocessed one (NEF).
Please try to reproduce my steps.
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Unfortunately it's not reproducible each time, because on another photo I used same steps and "Export with previous" exports selected photo.
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I reproduced your steps and this is my experience-
1) Create a TIF (Monochrome) in Photoshop from a NEF (Original)
2) EXPORT the TIF to a JPG- Result a monochrome JPG. (Same image as the TIF)
3) Select the NEF and EXPORT AS PREVIOUS- Result a coloured JPG. (Same image as the NEF)
Are you certain you understand that 'Export with Previous' means to Export USING THE LAST USED EXPORT PRESET, with all the options as defined in the Export Preset. It will export a SELECTED IMAGE using the last used Preset. It has no relevance to the last exported image!
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Could you look at my screenshot and read the description? "Left one is selected (see bottom line)."
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That is a problem for you, but I am out of ideas as to why it is happening for you.
It seems very unusual that an un-selected image would be the one to export.
Hopefully the problem remedies itself, or others can provide some insight into your experienes.
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I use Lightroom since 2013, this issue is quite new (few months) so I was thinking it may be some change in the implementation - or it's somehow related to using collections (I think I started processing photos in collections quite recently).