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Hallo, seit es die neue Funktion KI rausch enfernen gibt, sind meine hochgeladenen Raw's immer verrauscht.
Wenn ich mir die JPG's anschaue sind die Bilder aber in Ordnung.
Vor dem update hatte ich kein Problem damit.
Ich kann ja nicht jedes Bild erst entrauschen!?
Woran könnte das liegen?
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Denoise AI creates a new DNG file, so that option cannot possibly have anything to do with this. Check the manual denoise settings. Maybe these got changed in your camera default settings.
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Danke, ich schau noch mal indie Kamera Einstellung
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Hello, since there is the new function Remove AI noise, my uploaded raw's are always noisy.
When I look at the JPG's, the pictures are okay.
Before the update, I had no problem with it.
I can't denoise every picture first!?
What could be the reason for this?
By @Stephanie343821182eoo
Jpg files will have noise reduction applied by the camera.
This does not happen with raw files – you have to apply noise reduction manually in LrC.
When evaluating sharpness and noise, and applying sharpening and noise reduction, always view the image at 100%.
This is the only view that presents you with a true rendering of the image – one image pixel is represented by one screen pixel. If you have a high resolution monitor (4k or more), use 200% view.
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