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I posted something a couple of days ago. Got some recommendations which I implemented. The problem is still here.
This is a screen shot in File mod
This is what happen when I am in develop mode
Here is a screen shot of my performance tab
Here is my system
Windows 10, 132 mgz, 2 ssd 1TB drives in a standalone computer.
Lightroom up to date and I updated both drivers yesterday.
I had a techie in who set up my computer to backup to One Drive every 10 minutes or so. All the information from lightroom is on my SSD drives on my computer and is backing up to ONE Drive.
One of the programs I use for work had to be moved directly to C:\ as any backing up of files of this type on my computer to one drive interferred with the software. I am wondering if this is what is the problem here. If so how can I safely move the folder to a safe spot. All my photos are on external hard drives - 1 - 4 TB in size.
I recently added a new (2nd monitor) 4K screen. Had some issues with bleeding, pixelating and the screen turning itself off.
What can I do to get lightroom working again?
As to OneDrive. Many members post problems, and when asked to share their system information as LrC provides it (/help/system information) it is noted that they either place their catalog on OneDrive, or more commonly have auto sync to OneDrive running.
Having the catalog on OneDrive, or any other Cloud is fatal. Oh, some make it work for awhile, but eventually the catalog gets corrupted, badly corrupted. Oh some can place the catalog on their NAS, but same result. Adobe does not support LrC cat
...Hi Sean
Thanks for your last reply which I found very helpful. The program is up and running. There is a little issue with some of the boxes showing some bleeding, but otherwise things are okay.
I removed the Pictures Folder from One Drive backup listing.
I made copies of the PICTURE folder as per your instructions.
In order for me to use the win7(c) location as the location of the PICTURE folder I need to eliminate a "current" file. Do I do this in the FOLDER where the catalog is currently be
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Please explain what you mean by this:
"One of the programs I use for work had to be moved directly to C:"
All programs should always be installed directly on C, so does this mean the others aren't?
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Two comments-
1) Catalogs do not work from One-Drive. I note your catalog is syncing! (Increased possibility of corruption!)
Get your catalog out of one-drive into a normal local folder.
2) Your screen-clip looks like you may have the Second monitor screen activated. Try pressing F11, or click the [2] icon. But I rather think there is graphic card corruption of some sort as there is no image in the main window.
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By @sandy#56
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First up that floating preview:
Second up. It does not appear as LrC likes your GPU. Consider turning use graphics processor Off
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As to OneDrive. Many members post problems, and when asked to share their system information as LrC provides it (/help/system information) it is noted that they either place their catalog on OneDrive, or more commonly have auto sync to OneDrive running.
Having the catalog on OneDrive, or any other Cloud is fatal. Oh, some make it work for awhile, but eventually the catalog gets corrupted, badly corrupted. Oh some can place the catalog on their NAS, but same result. Adobe does not support LrC catalogs on a network share, be that a NAS, a Server, or the Cloud.
Having the catalog auto sync to OneDrive can cause performance issues, especially if connectivity to/from OneDrive is having a bad day. And in such conditions, corruption can occur.
The issue of members having these OneDrive catalog mistakes falls mainly at the doorstep of Microsoft and their insistence on trying to force users into using MS accounts to login to their computer, hence OneDrive.
I would recommend in the OneDrive settings to turn off syncing LrC catalogs.
P.S. Do you have a local backup of your catalog? If not, make one now, Before playing with OneDrive. Perhaps a backup on an external hard drive (not the hard drive your catalog is on). A backup on OneDrive or another Cloud service is fine, can be recommended, but as a additional backup, not the primary backup (my opinion) the more separate backups the better.
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Thank you.
I turned off the graphics processor. I can now go into develop mode.
This one drive syn has been nothing but problem. I have had issues with other non-MS software.
I copied the lightroom cateloges straight onto the C drive, where the syc processing does take place. How do I get lightroom to retrive the cateloges from this location?
I also have a Nash system here. It is not working proprly because of the probelems when the drive was first set up. For another day. I will make sure the nash drive does not sync the lightroom catelogues.
Unfortunately, when the tech come in, they made some mistakes, too much to mention now. I know I lost 3 files from my current library, but now I cannot locate another cateloge.
Could you please show me how I can find this cateloge? Perhaps it time to combine them.
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I will also make a copy to one of my external hard drives.
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Make sure to move the contents of the whole folder that contains the Lightroom catalog. You need the previews.lrdata files, lrcat-data files as well as the .lrcat file.
Double click the .lrcat file to open in into Lightroom, which should remember the last use catalog location as a default setting.
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Hi Sean
Thanks for your last reply which I found very helpful. The program is up and running. There is a little issue with some of the boxes showing some bleeding, but otherwise things are okay.
I removed the Pictures Folder from One Drive backup listing.
I made copies of the PICTURE folder as per your instructions.
In order for me to use the win7(c) location as the location of the PICTURE folder I need to eliminate a "current" file. Do I do this in the FOLDER where the catalog is currently being used by lightroom? Do I then try to open the catalog on the C(Win) location? Will this automatically be the new CURRENT file?
I know I have too many catalogs, but like most people I almost afriad to get rid of them.
Also, the diaster this has been with the one drive implementation and the mess the first technician in here made, I cannot locate a catalog with about 4-5 years of photos on it. I still have the photo files and folders but I cannot locate the catalog these photos are connected to. Any ideas how could locate this?