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First of all my English is not really good, so sorry for that. I will try to explain the problem.
sinds today i've a resolution issue when i open my pictures and try to edit the pictures in Lightroom classic or photoshop.
Ask the question to a photoshop guru, made also a connection with the support line but also there i don't get the right solution i need.
and now the problem...
when i put my photo in Lightroom the standard size of my photo is 5760x3840. Sinds today when i try to edit the photos it cuts the photo above and under and the size is now 5760x3240. And the strange thing is that is only the half of the pictures has this problem
in the Lightroom navigator where you can see the photo preview its also cropped. The strange is when i open the photo on my MacBook air the size of the photo is correct, 5760x3840 but when i open it in photoshop or Lightroom classic it cuts the photo to 5760x3240.
did the update, checked the configurations, i've reset everything, I've delete the programs and installed it again and still the same problem.
i took about 140 RAW pictures and about 60 photos has these problem. Never had this problem before.
please please someone can help me?
[Moved from ‘Bugs’ to ‘Discussions’ by moderator, according to forum rules. A ‘bug’ is not just another word for any problem with software!]
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Sounds like your camera shot these images in 16:9 mode. If you import images and use 'Camera settings' as camera default in Preferences - Presets, then Lightroom will read that setting from the metadata ofcthe image and apply this crop. You undo this by activating the crop tool and then hit 'reset' in the crop tool. Do not use the big Reset button at the very bottom of the right panel, because that will reset to the camera default...
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Hey Johan, thanks for your message.
When i drop the pictures into libery and select all pictures i still see them cropped
can you show me a printscreen where i reset that?
thank you
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can you show me a printscreen where i reset that?
By @benzo_7117
To stop this from happening again, check your in-camera aspect ration settings.
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I will try that but I dint think it will change this issue. The strange thing is that I never had this issue before. I always use 9:16. But I noticed that all the pictures I took with a timer tripod has been cropped x3240. All pictures that I took without a timer are good x3840
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... But I noticed that all the pictures I took with a timer tripod has been cropped x3240. All pictures that I took without a timer are good x3840
By @benzo_7117
It seems there are any settings that has been done in the camera. Check your settings in the camera.
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I will try that but I dint think it will change this issue. The strange thing is that I never had this issue before. I always use 9:16.
By @benzo_7117
That does not make sense. If you use 16:9 then you will get 5760x3240 pixel images (do the math yourself). You said "the standard size of my photo is 5760x3840". That is not 16:9, but 3:2 (which is indeed the aspect ratio of most sensors).
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i will show it you with some pictures. I always shoots 16:9 and if i go to photo info i see 5760x3840
Then explain me why when i open the photo on my macebook the size is correct, and when i want to open the photo in lightroom or photoshop its crops up and down to 5760x3240?
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Your raw image is always the full sensor size, even if you set the camera to 16:9. However, Lightroom will see that you used 16:9 in the camera (because that info is stored in the metadata) and will apply this crop automatically. Photoshop (Camera Raw) will do the same. If you do not want that, then why do you shoot in 16:9 in the first place?
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okey i understand that but why the other photo's are then correct? i allways shoot 16:9 but ony with this serie photo's adobe lightroom and photoshop did cut the photo's. is there a way to ignore this? because the size of the photo is now not correct.
I did a test photo.... i took again some photo's at 16:9 and add the photo's in lightroom and photoshop and the size that the programm is showing me is 5760x3840
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Also i never had this issue before. All the pictures that have this problems a taken on a statif and 2 second trigger
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See the reply a posted seconds before you did. I have nothing to add to that reply.
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So a Canon EOS 5D mark III. And that camera has a 36x24mm (ratio of 3x2) sensor. And in RAW the dimensions for the file are:
So the MACOS is reporting the correct value of 5760x3840 (also a ratio of 3:2, no surprise) for the RAW file.
And if you crop that at 16:9, keeping the long edge, you would get: 5760x3240. and that is what ACR and LrC are showing. At some point a crop of 16:9 is being applied post process.
I used to use a Canon EOS 5D Mark III, (never upgraded to Mark IV, etc.). Now days I am using Fuji X. But sure enough I have EOS 5D Mark III photos. Brought up an old catalog (back in 2014) in LrC v13.4, and looked at one. And 5760x3840 is reported:
So, it has been a long time since I used that 5D Mark II, and had to look at the manual.
One point to bring up, in Camera Aspect Ratio. Default is 3:2, apparently you may have selected 16:9?? And LrC is honoring (occasionally?? ) the 16x9 even though the RAW file has more data.
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okey i understand that but why the other photo's are then correct? i allways shoot 16:9 but ony with this serie photo's adobe lightroom and photoshop did cut the photo's. is there a way to ignore this? because the size of the photo is now not correct.
I did a test photo.... i took again some photo's at 16:9 and add the photo's in lightroom and photoshop and the size that the program is showing me is 5760x3840. It didnt crop the photo's.... How is that possible?
I never seen before that the adobe program did this to my photo's
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If you shoot 3:2, do you then get a proper import?
And can you share a screenshot of LrC /Preferences/Presets
(I may have overlooked a prior posting, if so my bad)
Interested in the Develop Defaults
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i only shoot in 16:9 and i dont understand why all the pictures i took on a tripod and 2 second trigger did this to the pictures
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I do not have an example in camera 16:9. And my old Canon has no live battery's (charging now)
Perhaps you can post an example in say Dropbox.
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I don't know what made this particular series of images different, but I keep wondering why you shoot in 16:9 if that is not what you want...
Laat ik het ook nog even in gewoon Nederlands zeggen: waarom zet je in vredesnaam je camera op 16:9 als je géén 16:9 opnamen in Lightroom wilt krijgen, maar gewoon de volledige sensor? Dat slaat toch nergens op? Jouw "onoplosbare probleem" is dat je de camera op 16:9 hebt ingesteld, en dan klaagt als je krijgt wat je ingesteld hebt! Waarom zet je de camera niet gewoon op 3:2 als je 3:2 opnamen wilt hebben? In een restaurant bestel je toch ook geen vis als je een steak wilt eten?
Ik heb trouwens al uitgelegd hoe je eenvoudig die 16:9 uitsnede kan verwijderen.
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So, returning to the discussion. After charging a battery, setting my 5D Mark III Aspect ratio to 16:9 ( and yes it was in the default 3:2). taking a quick shot, and importing into LrC. this is what I see:
Oh, and a full screen in the Develop Module, Notice the Profile, an Adobe default (in case you are wondering about the LrC /Preferences/Presets/ Develop RAW default/ as in Adobe Default
After accomplishing that, it occurred to me that I was using Adobe Defaults for the Develop RAW setting, and what if I selected the Canon 5D Marks III. Not an issue, I had an additional (even uglier) test shot. So I set the LrC /preferences/Presets/ appropriately, closed LrC, opened LrC, imported another test. But the Aspect Ratio in camera did not transfer.
I you can see that the in camera setting for Picture Style (Landscape) got brought over into LrC, so the Develop RAW Default worked.
So, I cannot repeat the problem
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One oddity. perhaps this is a translation issue, or perhaps a MACOS vs WINOS issue, or perhaps I am overlooking this. But in your LrC Library Screenshot, over on the right side panel, in the Metadata Panel, The Metdata set selected sates Standaard, My first impression is that would translate to Standard, but if I select Standard, I do not get something looking like that.
In LrC, I see these Metadata Sets:
(For the Default set, you can customize. But I do not remember being able to rename)
As such, I am not sure what exact Metadata is presented, specifically for the dimension, is that in camera, or crop?
Can you select the EXIF and IPTC Metadata set? What does that display?
By, the way, for the translation if I use Google translate, is it Dutch?