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Hi People! I have a good problem here, and I need help.
I'm real estate photographer, but my Lightroom dont like me, the operations in day to day is hard to work.
Video -> with problem (slow, very very slow).
My photos always is HDR (generate in Lightroom, create a DNG)
My PC:
i7 6700
SSD Nvme 3,2Gbps (system and files)
RX580 8GB 256Bits
H170 Gigabyte
Lightroom Classic 12.1
Windows 11
My Camera:
Canon T6i (raw mode)
Anybody have ideas? Thanks!
(Sorry my english, Im from Brazil)
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I am probably having an issue with language. That is, remembering some of the buttons in your copy of LrC as shown in the video. I have a likely unfounded suspicion that some sync is going on.This is largely due to the stacked status of the selected image(s) as shown in the video.
Try again, but with the stack in question expanded, so that you can be absolutely sure that only one image is selected, and only one image is being edited.
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I agree that it looks slow. My old 2015 iMac was faster. What else is running? As well as @GoldingD's Sync suggestion, which creates Smart Previews for upload, are you running face recognition in the background?
As a BTW, you can run the Auto Upright in a preset, just make sure to only select Upright Mode in the Transform section on the Preset dialog after pressing the Auto button.
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Ahh, I should have looked up in the top left. What are those processes going on? Three of them? One busy with something like 66 images, the other two not progressing. I would recommend Not editing while LrC is busy accomplishing something.
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GoldingD, Hi! Thanks man! I change my LrC language from you.
This 66 images running is LrC create my HDR photos, but I'm record a New video not running this and the result is the same..
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Hi Sean! Thanks help-me here.
Alright, I'm record a New video, show all configs and my pc.
My Syncs is off, not running face or another tasks in LrC. In attachs now in English I'm post all my LrC Configs.
Ah! I know Auto Right in preset, but after apply this preset I need go back to the file and click Update in ALL photos.. one per one. If do you haveanother way to make it I'm love to know. Thanks!
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If you only do Upright Mode in the preset, you don't need to update each image. It applies the correction per image. If you save with Upright Transforms, then it's saving a specific corrected that needs updating.
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New Video ->
Attachs (01, 02, 03 and 04 files) is my LrC Configs
System Info Lightroom
Thanks people!
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Your whole screen refresh looks way off. Are you on the newest graphics drivers?
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In your video, just starting LrC appears slow.
Frees hard drive space :
Performance vs file locations for LrC (just saying)
from your system info:
Graphics Processor Info: DirectX: AMD Radeon RX 580 2048SP (31.0.12029.10015) Init State: GPU for Export supported by default User Preference: GPU for Export enabled
Some members have had issues with AMD, and if I remember correctly, with the 580.(this is mainly seen in AI masking, the AI Sky comes to mind) Looks like your driver is the latest, and those members may have had an issue with exactly that, the latest (at the time) latest version, perhaps rolling back to a previous version? Or were you at that version, previously, when LrC behaved?
note: I cannot find a posting to serve as a reference to back that up, so take with a grain of salt.