stacked photos and update to new process version
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When you update your (older) pictures to a new process version, I noticed, that stacked photos will not be updated automatically. You first have to unstack the pics.
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No you don't, no need to unstack.
It's just that operations are applied only to the stack's top image if the stack is collapsed.
Expand stack, do what you want and then callapse it back.
This can be done in batch if needed: select all, stacking>expand all stacks, stacking>collapse all stacks.
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Thats's exactly the point. If I update a complete folder to a new process version, I expect, that ALL images are updated, including all photos in the stack, not only the top one. I don't see any reason, why they should not be included?
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Thats's exactly the point. If I update a complete folder to a new process version, I expect, that ALL images are updated, including all photos in the stack, not only the top one. I don't see any reason, why they should not be included?
By endew
Photos beneath the top image in a stack, when the stack is collapsed, are not selected when you select the top photo (or select All). This is the way Adobe designed stacks to work.
The solution is to expand all stacks before and then Select All.
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I know the solution. But as stated in another post, If LR is explicitly asking, if all photos in the film stripe should be updated, then I would expect, that all means each and every photo. 😉
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The problem is that there is no universal logic here. If you apply a rating to the top image of a collapsed stack, then it makes a lot of sense that you do not want all images in that stack to get the same rating. In other situations, like changing the process version, you probably do want all images to be updated. So Adobe had to make a choice, and this is it. Expand all stacks if you want all images to be affected, collapse all stacks if you don't.
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Right, but when LR is asking if I want to update all photos in the film strip (in my German version it say "Alle Fotos im Filmstreifen aktualisieren") then I expect, that ALL are updated. I don't talk about rating, editing,...., that's a different story). So for me, it's still a bug and not a feature 😉
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Right, but when LR is asking if I want to update all photos in the film strip (in my German version it say "Alle Fotos im Filmstreifen aktualisieren") then I expect, that ALL are updated.
By endew
It doesn't say ALL, it says "All in the filmstrip".
And when stacks are collapsed they are NOT in the filmstrip.
If you want to argue then show us where in the filmstrip you can see them.
I get it that current design doesn't meet your expactations, but in my opinion the issue is with expactations, not with the design...
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Building on FSt0p's reply, here's what is displayed when the filmstrip contains 4 stacks of 2 photos each, collapsed:
No command in LR considers the photos buried in collapsed stacks to be part of the filmstrip.
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Perhaps we must interpret this as: all the photos currently VISIBLE in the filmstrip (horizontal scrolling of that aside). And images may not be visible because they have been filtered out of view according to their attributes or because they have been collapsed out of view according to their stacking. The Filmstrip states (e.g.) 4 of 8 photos, because those 4 are the only ones presented.
In terms of physical analogy: if you pile several pieces of paper together, you can then write only on the visible top sheet - and whatever you do there, does not also write the same thing onto the other sheets below. You'd need to spread those sheets out side by side, to make them all writeable-on. Similarly, sheets that you have temporarily concealed inside a file folder (filtered out) are thereby temporarily not part of what is visible.
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if you want you can submit a feature request, please read these instructions.
I seriously doubt Adobe will actually implement it.
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Right, but when LR is asking if I want to update all photos in the film strip (in my German version it say "Alle Fotos im Filmstreifen aktualisieren") then I expect, that ALL are updated. I don't talk about rating, editing,...., that's a different story). So for me, it's still a bug and not a feature 😉
By endew
Except that you do not decide that. A bug is not just any software behavior that you don't like, it's a coding error that makes the software behave in a way that was not intended by the developer. That means that only the developer decides if something is a bug, not you as a user of that software. Lightroom Classic behaves as designed in this case, whether you like it or not.
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The issue is rather the language: 'Update All Filmstrip Photos'.
It depends on how one understands 'All'.
It can be argued that' All', is ambiguous. Open to interpretation!
You have to remember that if you want to change anything in a stack - even changing from the proprietary camera raw to DNG using Lightroom, you have to unstack the photos in order for all of them to be changed.