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I have been a long time LR/PS user, but new to this forum. I know this had been raised countless times. I just wanted to reiterate an humungous frustration of mine.
Most of us know that syncing between LR Classic and CC is simply broken. It has been broken for long time. Maybe since the inception. Do I need to go into details? I will just for the sake of comlpleteness:
1. LR Classic sync gets stuck. regularly
2. LR CC sync gets stuck regularly
3. LR CC loses develop / metadata settings regularly
4. Syncing from LR Classic takes FOREVER
There is a workaround of course (at least for 1-3 above). But when I face this issue daily and have to do that workaround repeatedly, it is not fun. Not fun at all. And to think that Adobe is so proud of the Creative Cloud. Where is the cloud in this? I am sorry but there is no cloud here. This is a mess. And it had been a mess for a very long time. And we haven't even talked about why on earth do we need two versions of LR. And I am not interested in the offical explanation. I want to know the real one. The one we - probably - never hear. Who at Adobe really thinks this is a good user experience? Do they even care? I am not sure they do!
In this age of clouds, I cannot belive that Adobe is unable to make it work. To make Creative 'cloud' into an operational and functional Cloud. If it is not possible then dump it. No cloud. Again, who on earth is capable of thinking that this is OK?
I can't shake the feeling that LR is a half baked ecosystem and it has been for a long time. Many new features we have been getting have questionable value while the cloud part of CC is not working. Release after release, year after year and no improvement in syncing
I am frustrated beyond words. I don't know if Adobe is even reading any of this, but hey what else can we do?
I love what I can do with LR. But this mess of an ecosystem is just mind-blowing.
I know that the competition is still behind Adobe on many features but they are catching up fast. And when they hit that sweet spot where they offer a fesible alternative, I am jumping ship. I can't wait. And that day is not far now
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And just to clarify, I am not talking about syncing my originals to Adobe cloud. I am talking about syncing previews and metadata between desktop LR Classic and the CC ecosystem.
And I haven't mentioned that some raw images simply won't sync with certain develop settings.
I do realize that my comments above are harsh, but my patience with the Creative Cloud is wearing thin.
Adobe is not paying attention to important aspects of their ecosystem. I just wish they did. I really do.