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J'aimerais savoir comment syncroniser automatiquement les Presets de LR Classic et les reglages d'exportation et l'app LR Mobile sur iPhone.
J'ai dizaines des presets telechargés sur mon ordinateur et j'aimerais pouvoirs les utiliser sur mon iPhone.
De mon coté je suis abonné à la suite Creative Cloud pour LR et PS formule 20Go et pour les appareils tout est à jour, LRC esr sur la 12., mon Mac est sur macOS Monterey 12.6.2 (pas possible de le mettre sur Ventura), l'iPhone est bien sur iOS 16.2..
Quelq'un sait comment faire?
Merci la communauté Adobe
Thanks for confirming the progress on this. Lightroom should've imported the presets from Lightroom Classic at the first launch. If it hasn't, try this:
In Lightroom Classic > Preferences > Presets > Show Lightroom Develop presets & import these files in Lightroom Desktop. Let me know how it goes. Thanks!
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I'll help you figure this out. You need to install Lightroom Desktop through the Creative Cloud desktop app.
When you launch Lightroom first time on a machine where you already have the presets in Lightroom Classic, your presets are carried to Adobe Lightroom & the cloud, which will then appear on your mobile. (
Adobe Lightroom does not store presets & other data in its storage, whereas Lightroom Classic & Camera save the presets in a shared location unless specified differently.
Sameer K.
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thank you for your help but the problem is still there. Nowhere in CC app i can find "LR Desktop", i have LRC on my Mac.
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You'll need Lightroom. Here, try this:
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ok Sameer i understand what do you mean now but i would have the presets in LR mobile that i created not only the settings on specifically photos. the syncro between lrcc and lr mobile works but where i can find the presets that i made ? (you know into lrc you have the presets in the left column in the develop module)
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Thanks for confirming the progress on this. Lightroom should've imported the presets from Lightroom Classic at the first launch. If it hasn't, try this:
In Lightroom Classic > Preferences > Presets > Show Lightroom Develop presets & import these files in Lightroom Desktop. Let me know how it goes. Thanks!
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I need to do it manually? For everything? WoW....
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ok thank you so much, i understood the process, now everything is synchronised percfectly, even if it's a long process, i'm happy. thank you for your answers, good night