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Hallo, arbeite unter Windows 11, und ich beobachte seit ein paar Tagen, dass ich in LRC folgende Funtionen nicht mehr durchfuehren kann: 1. Farben u. Sterne Bewertung wird nicht direkt angezeigt. Erst wenn ich LRC verlasse und wieder oeffne ist sind Farben und Sterne zu sehen. 2. Ich kann keine Panoramen mehr erstellen. Ich klicke die Funktionan, keine Reaktion. 3. Sammlungssaetze kann ich nicht mehr herstellen. auch hier, keine Reaktion! Habe Daten ausgelagert, jetzt 700GB freien Speicherplatz auf D. Voreinstellungen zurueckgesetzt. Cache Inhalt geloescht, Cache auf 10GB erhoeht. Nichts hat geholfen. Hat irgendeiner eine Idee. Danke MfG H. Schmidt
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Try resetting the preference file.
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Good morning,
Thanks for your help, so appreciate.
Here my answer to your query.
Try resetting the preference file.
Answer HS: I deleted the Lightroom Classic CC 7 Preferences.agprefs, restarted the system and checked LRC. No change of my problem. After I restored the above file again.
Regards Harald Schmidt (HS)
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... Habe Daten ausgelagert, jetzt 700GB freien Speicherplatz auf D.
By @haralds76133080
How much free disk space do you have on drive C?
What has been changed on you system before the issue occur?
Is your system up-to-date? Do you have installed all recent updates and patches for the operating system and the device drivers, especially the graphic driver. If you have a NVidia graphic card installed, make sure that you are using the recent Studio version of the driver, not the Game Ready version.
Please provide a copy of your 'System Info'. This can be get from the LrC Help > System Info menu item. There's a copy button in the System Info dialog. Press this button and paste the info into your next forum post.
@dj_paige The reset of the preferences has been already done.
... Voreinstellungen zurueckgesetzt. ....
By @haralds76133080
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Good morning,
Thanks for your help, so appreciate.
Here my answers to your queries.
Regards Harald Schmidt (HS)
How much free disk space do you have on drive C?
Answer HS: 74.9GB
What has been changed on you system before the issue occur?
Answer: Nothing, except Windows 11 installed on 6/12/2024.
Is your system up-to-date? Do you have installed all recent updates and patches for the operating system and the device drivers, especially the graphic driver. If you have a NVidia graphic card installed, make sure that you are using the recent Studio version of the driver, not the Game Ready version.
Answer HS: Current LRC Version = 14.1.1. I never installed any patches for operating system or device drivers. On 4/1/2025, yesterday, I updated Nvidia driver for GeForce GTX 1650, but no change of my problem!
Please provide a copy of your 'System Info'. This can be get from the LrC Help > System Info menu item. There's a copy button in the System Info dialog. Press this button and paste the info into your next forum post.
Answer HS: System Info dated 5/1/2025 below. Last part I did not copy!
Lightroom Classic-Version: 14.1.1 [ 202412150940-551fb044 ]
Lizenz: Creative Cloud
Spracheinstellung: de
Betriebssystem: Windows 11 - Home Premium Edition
Version: 11.0.22631
Anwendungsarchitektur: x64
Systemarchitektur: x64
Anzahl logischer Prozessoren: 12
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 2.5GHz
SQLite-Version: 3.36.0
CPU-Auslastung: 0.0%
Stromquelle: Angeschlossen
Integrierter Speicher: 32472.7 MB
Dedizierter GPU-Speicher, der von Lightroom verwendet wird: 128.3MB / 3938.0MB (3%)
Für Lightroom verfügbarer phys. Speicher: 32472.7 MB
Von Lightroom verwendeter phys. Speicher: 2735.1 MB (8.4%)
Von Lightroom verwendeter virtueller Speicher: 3232.8 MB
Anzahl GDI-Objekte: 877
Anzahl BENUTZER-Objekte: 3168
Anzahl Prozess-Handles: 2702
Cache-Speichergröße: 3004.1MB
Interne Camera Raw-Version: 17.1 [ 2098 ]
Maximale Anzahl Threads, die Camera Raw verwendet: 5
Camera Raw SIMD-Optimierung: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Virtueller Speicher in Camera Raw: 348MB / 16236MB (2%)
Physischer Speicher in Camera Raw: 348MB / 32472MB (1%)
NT- RAM:0.0MB, VRAM:0.0MB, Combined:0.0MB
m:3004.1MB, n:0.0MB
U-main: 118.0MB
DPI-Einstellung des Systems: 96 DPI
Desktop-Komposition aktiviert: Ja
Standardvorschaugröße: 2880 Pixel
Monitore/Anzeigegeräte: 1) 1920x1080
Eingabetypen: Multitouch: Nein, integrierte Toucheingabe: Nein, integrierter Stift: Nein, externe Toucheingabe: Nein, externer Stift: Nein, Tastatur: Nein
Informationen zum Grafikprozessor:
DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 (
Anfangsstatus: GPU wird standardmäßig für die Bildverarbeitung unterstützt
Benutzerpräferenz: Automatisch
HDR in Bibliothek aktivieren: EIN
Anwendungsordner: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic
Bibliothekspfad: D:\01 P H O T O S\13 Lightroom Katalog\190906_New Catalog\190906_New Catalog-2-2-v13-3.lrcat
Einstellungen-Ordner: C:\Users\Harald Schmidt\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom
Installierte Zusatzmodule:
1) AdobeStock
2) Aurora HDR
3) Flickr
4) LRT Export 7
5) Luminar AI
6) Luminar Neo
Adapter Nr. 1: Anbieter : 10de
Gerät : 1f91
Subsystem : 9051028
Version : a1
Grafikspeicher : 3938
Adapter Nr. 2: Anbieter : 8086
Gerät : 3e9b
Subsystem : 9051028
Version : 0
Grafikspeicher : 80
Adapter Nr. 3: Anbieter : 1414
Gerät : 8c
Subsystem : 0
Version : 0
Grafikspeicher : 0
AudioDeviceIOBlockSize: 1024
AudioDeviceName: System Default - Speakers/Headphones (Realtek(R) Audio)
AudioDeviceNumberOfChannels: 2
AudioDeviceSampleRate: 48000
Build: LR5x26
Direct2DEnabled: false
GL_VERSION: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 566.36
GPUDeviceEnabled: false
OGLEnabled: true
Comment HS: The remaining part of the system info I did not copy!!
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How much free disk space do you have on drive C?
Answer HS: 74.9GB
Adding to that inquiry, in percent, how much free space is that. OR, 74.9GB out of how much?
Looking for 25% free space at least.
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Good morning,
Thanks for your help, so appreciate.
Here my answers to your queries.
Regards Harald Schmidt (HS)
Adding to that inquiry, in percent, how much free space is that. OR, 74.9GB out of how much?
Looking for 25% free space at least.
Answer HS: Total capacity of C: 506GB, used 431GB.
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Do you have installed the Studio version of the graphic device driver?
It seems the you have buildin a CPUwith an internal GPU. Please to try to deactivate this in the Device Manager of Windows. To disable use the Device Manager on Windows. In the Device Manager, right-click the card's name and choose Disable.
More informations you'll find here:
Another try is to reset the preferences of Lightroom Classic: How to reset Lightroom Classic preferences (
It's recommended to backup your preferences before you reset the preferences to the default settings:
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Good evening,
Thanks for your feedback.
Below my answers/comments.
1. I forgot what I have installed before, so I did again. This time I am sure I have installed the Studio version of the graphic device driver.
2. I have deactivated the Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 as per your description above.
3. I have reset the preferences of LRC.
After each step I have restarted the laptop and launched LRC again. No change the problem still exists.
Harald Schmidt
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So you have that catalog on a hard drive with 506 GB of usable space, and 431 GB is used, leaving 75 GB free. So 14% free. That is too little, The catalog will present performance issue. (I stated 25%, Adobe actually states at least 20%)
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Good morning,
Thanks for your feedback, I so appreciate.
I noticed your comments regarding free space in the range up to 25% on the hard drive with the catalog. I am sorry, my mistake, I never mentioned where is my catalog stored. It is on D:, not on C:!
Here my latest storage overview of C: and D: of today, after outsourcing and deleting datas:
Further I noticed in your email 2 links for optimizing LRC. I checked, and let you know that some of the recommendations I have done already before, and some not.
Harald Schmidt
Regards Harald Schmidt