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Unable to open Tiff as Layers

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Aug 10, 2019 Aug 10, 2019

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Using Lightroom 8.3. Exported two images as layers to Photoshop and created a composite. Saved back to Lightroom as TIFF. In past was able to reopen in Photoshop as layers again by clicking on open original file. This option is no grayed out. How then to re edit a photo in its layers.






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Aug 10, 2019 Aug 10, 2019

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reopen in Photoshop as layers again

Not sure I understand your problem.

The TIFF file (that contains layers) will reopen by Edit In>Edit in ...Photoshop , and because the TIFF is an RGB file you will get the options where you choose [Edit Original] or [Edit a Copy].


You do not select [Open as layers in Photoshop]. And this will be greyed out unless you have two or more photos selected for another 'new' composite. eg. the TIFF and another. But the TIFF layers WILL be flattened when you [Open as layers...] with another photo.

If you want to add a photo to the layered TIFF- Open as separate documents then drag one onto the other.

Regards. My System: Lightroom-Classic 14.1.1, Photoshop 26.2, ACR 17.1, Lightroom 8.1, Lr-iOS 9.0.1, Bridge 15.0.2, Windows-11.





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Aug 11, 2019 Aug 11, 2019

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So did you save the composite of the 2 images as a Layered TIFF or did you flatten it.

I just did a test. Opened 2 RAW Fuji files in PS as Layers from LR, using the Right Click Edit In and selecting in PS as Layers. Then expanded the canvas to twice the width and moved one of the images to that new blank canvas section, IE making a composite of the 2 images. Then I Saved, Ctrl + s, that composite and it appeared in LR (as it should) with the TIF file extension (that is what my External Editing preference is set to). I then closed PS and in LR Right Clicked on the composite TIFF image and selected Edit In and then PS 2019. In the dialog box that comes up when sending a TIFF, PSD, JPG and the like image to PS I selected Open Original. The TIFF image opened in PS with the same 2 layers it had been saved with.

If in that same dialog box that comes up if I select either of the other 2 options "With LR adjustments" or "A Copy" then LR (and or PS) Flattens the image before opening it in PS. Then the original layers are lost for the new image that will be created when saved.

BUT  the original composite TIFF will still included the layers. That is unless in PS you flattened it or combined layers before the original saving of the new file.





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New Here ,
Aug 11, 2019 Aug 11, 2019

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This is what I did with the exception that I closed the PS file by clicking on the X in the top and affirming that it copy the file to lightroom.

Is there something that needed to be done to save the file as a tiff with layers. In the past this has always been the case and should I want to re-edit in Lightroom I R clicked the photo and chose edit in PS. Then chose edit original and the tiff file opened in PS with layers Now the option to open the original is grayed out, and clearly "open as layers in PS" does not work int the R click "Edit in" does not work.





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Aug 11, 2019 Aug 11, 2019

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Not sure what you meant in your first post when you said "I EXPORTED to PS".

Normally when using LR to send files to PS you use the Edit In function. Right click menu or keyboard shortcut Ctrl + e. There is also an option, I guess as I've never seen it or used it, to Export to PS.

With the Edit In function to save the image you sent to PS in the format selected in the External Editing part of the LR preferences all you have to do is use Ctrl + s or "File > Save" and that file, with or without layers, will be saved in whatever format and will appear in LR.

How exactly did you send those files to PS. And how did you save the combined file?

The only time the "Edit In" "Send to PS as Layers" works is if you have more than 1 image, 2 or more, selected in LR. Otherwise that option is grayed out. As when you send a single image to PS it is placed on its own, single, layer.

https://forums.adobe.com/people/WRW+NH  wrote

This is what I did with the exception that I closed the PS file by clicking on the X in the top and affirming that it copy the file to lightroom.

So you did NOT do a Ctrl + s and select File Save or click Save on the Pop up dialog asking to save your work before closing?

https://forums.adobe.com/people/WRW+NH  wrote

Is there something that needed to be done to save the file as a tiff with layers.

To save a file sent to PS from LR as a TIFF you first have to have TIFF selected in the LR Preferences External Editing section and then just use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + s. Other than that no other action needs to be taken to save a layered TIFF file.

https://forums.adobe.com/people/WRW+NH  wrote

In the past this has always been the case and should I want to re-edit in Lightroom I R clicked the photo and chose edit in PS. Then chose edit original and the tiff file opened in PS with layers Now the option to open the original is grayed out, and clearly "open as layers in PS" does not work int the R click "Edit in" does not work.

Then you have done something wrong. That is exactly as it works on my system and always has.

You have not selected the TIFF file that has the layers. I suggest you start from the beginning, selecting the 2 images you want to combine and sending them to PS as Layers.





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Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024

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I am trying to open a TIFF file in Photoshop 2020 made in Sketchbook but I just have flattended image.

No "edit in" option anywhere. I have Windows 11. I read that if you open  a TIFF file with photoshop you will just get a flat image!  But this is just ridiculous...





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Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024

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You posted in a years old thread, and it seems you are talking about a different problem. "Edit in" is used in Lightroom Classic to send an image from Lightroom to Photoshop. It sounds that is not what you are doing. Post a new thread in the appropriate forum (post Photoshop problems in the Photoshop ecosystem forum) and explain in detail what your problem is.


-- Johan W. Elzenga





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