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Just when things couldn't get more unsuable for professional photographers. The 2-year Auto sync bug is back!
I posted about this bug for over 2-years before it was "addressed" in a recent update (13). I had spotted it happening a couple of times after said update but was unable to replicate whilst screen recording, until now....
Same as before, when auto sync is selected and multiple images are selected for syncing, adjustments to entirely unrelated aspects of the develop module will elicit adjustments to elements of an image like filters (in the case of the screen recording, a graduated filter) across all images.
A "collection ruining" bug if you're not well versed with the plague-like bugs of Adobe Lightroom Classic.
In the case of the screen recording, with auto sync selected, I made an adjustment to the Orange Hue of an image intented to be synced across the entire collection, when in fact the graduated filter of that image was then synced across all images. As you can see in the history, the last few adjustments were to Orange Hue, Temp, Tint and a radial filter. Nothing to do with a graduated filter.
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You refer to a screen recording, but nothing was attached.
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Unfortunately Adobe uses Khoros which is as bad as their software. Trying to upload media as part of posts is a 50/50 gamble. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Unfortuantely you also can't edit psots to add them media fterwards......
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"Unfortunately you also can't edit posts"
Sure you can:
"Just when things couldn't get more unsuable for professional photographers"
Just to be clear, you're a "professional" photographer - you're not speaking for all pros, hundreds of thousands of whom use "unusable" Lr happily every day.
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You can add an answer and add media to your answer...
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Do you mean a "reply"to you or my own post?
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Yes, why not?
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Because, Johan W. Elzenga. The uploader for attaching media to posts simply does not work. The only option is to put an external link for media which is less than ideal as it means that creators have to have public videos of Adobe's abject uselessness for all to see on their (in my case) otherwise unused channels.
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Because, Johan W. Elzenga. The uploader for attaching media to posts simply does not work. The only option is to put an external link for media which is less than ideal as it means that creators have to have public videos of Adobe's abject uselessness for all to see on their (in my case) otherwise unused channels.
By @Tom33632351ve1e
I think you can attatch a zipped video, but indeed using a link to YouTube (or something like Dropbox) is easier.
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But seeing as your an expert on all these subjects and seeing as I'm now advertising the abject uselessness of Adobe and the Lightroom devs I may as well begin posting screen recordings of bugs on youtube.
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Are you sure the adjustments to the filter are actually synced to the other images and it is not just an artefact in the small previews? I am asking because I can't get anything like this to happen. This would be a pretty serious bug indeed.
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100% affects all images. This is a serious bug that I have been documenting for over 2-years. I can replicate is everytime with certain adjustments in a certain order but it also happens randomly. Rikk Flohr and his team know all about it but they simply avoid dealing with it by doing things like changing post titles to be irrelevant so that other users are unable to relate it to issues they are having with autosync.
The issue was apprently resolved in version 13 but it clearly isn't.
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Sorry that you have to explain this all over as it sounds like you've pointed this out for a long time and you must be frustrated. Adobe is not always responsive with bug reports in my experience. I don't really know what we are supposed to see in the video. Are you referring to the undo and redo at the end of the video affecting all images instead of just the image that you did the change of the dehaze amount on? In the other parts of the video I didn't see anything what I would think is unexpected but I also don't know what I am looking for.
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Look closely at the images in the filmstrip. When I change the dehaze, instead of changing dehaze across all images, it applies a radial filter across all images.
This happens when you have recently applied a filter to an image, then (within 2-3 adjustments) select all images, make a an auto synced adjustment for something unrelated to filters, and suddenly it applies the filter from several adjustments ago to all images.
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Watch the film strip closely after I have just made a radial filter adjustment, then a graduated filter adjustment, followed by selecting all, then adjusting clarity, which causes the radial filter from two moves ago to be synced across all images.
This issue used to be connected to crop as well as filters. Adobe fixed the crop autosync issue in version 13 but did not fix the filter auto sync issue for some strange reason.
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I finally had a chance to try this and following these exact instructions, putting a radial and a graduated adjustment on a single image. Adjusting first the radial and then the graduated one, selecting all images in grid view and going back to develop in auto sync and then adjusting clarity does not result in any other changes (inlcuding the radial filter) to be synced accross all images. Same thing if I select the images in the film strip instead of returning to Library view. So I can't reproduce this. Not sure why your machine behaves differently. I am using Classic 13.0.1 on a M1 Max Mac Book Pro.
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Oh and I also did it following the exact thing you do in the video by keeping all images selected and just turning auto sync on and off and it does the same thing, no unexpected edits synced accross images.
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So how do you explain my multiple screen recordings of the issue? I'm not sure you're moving fast enough. My suspicion is that this is a speed issue connected some other performance issues being reported by hundreds of users.
Have you looked into the below issue. This was a comonly reported issue in a previous version except it applied the crop across all images instead of a filter.
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I can't explain it ut yeah it clearly happens in your recording but I just can't reproduce it and have never seen anything like this even though I edit a lot in Auto Sync mode. I can see your recording and I am going about the same speed with my changes. I highly doubt it has anything to do with how fast you go but it must be some kind of corruption in your catalog file that causes it to behave in unexpected ways. Does this happen with a fresh catalog file? Does resetting Classic's preferences make a difference?
Also, I do not see any of the bad performance people are talking about. My main catalog has ~130,000 images in it most from high megapixel cameras. This catalog has been going since before Lightroom version 1 (I was an early beta tester) and I always just let Lightroom upgrade it. Most images are stored on a NAS and it works as fast as always. Classic just flies on this M1 Max machine but even on my previous intel it always worked just fine. I shoot and edit high volumes of images all the time. I do have some optimizations that I use which is to always import using embedded previews (enormous time saver!) and not let Lightroom generate its own previews. I also have my raw default set to "camera settings" so the embedded preview is actually very close to what Lightroom would have generated by its own. This speeds up initial culling vastly. I also don't use smart previews as they are an enormous time waster to generate and worse do not help with performance on modern machines at all. They might have had a purpose years ago but nowadays they are useless except if you need to edit images that are offline. These two things (use embedded previews and don't let Lightroom generate any other previews) save me hours of time.
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Some more reading for an "expert".
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Some more viewing for you there. If you ain't experiencing that bug then you ain't on version 13.0.1
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Another collection. Another day of "undo" to avoid wrecking hours of work....