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Where can I find changelogs or "what's new"?

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Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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I have the Photography Plan with CC. This week, the Creative Cloud Desktop app had TWO updates and Photoshop had one. NOWHERE can I find what has changed! No changelogs, even searching Google nor a What's New!!??


I like to know what has changed so I can experience new features, test, know what to watch out for, etc.

This has to live somewhere 🙂 Please point me....








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Community Expert ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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I rarely see changelogs from Adobe giving granular lists of what is fixed, new or enhanced. They tend to give high level summaries of new or enhanced features.








Good third party website worth bookmarking for regular Lightroom updates:



Any other apps you use?




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Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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HI John.


Was not notified of your reply. Seems I never am here. Would expect an email, message - something.

First link better than most. Second and third do not address the incremental updates - like the one a few hours ago.

Victoria is great on major updates but we got into a bit of a tuffle as she can't understand why I want to know what changes apps are making to MY computer. MOST tell me. I like to be in control of my computer. This is NOT only used for Adobe products, but if I could afford it, likely would have a computer for only that. I "imagine" she and Paul have set to automatically update and when I do not show an incremented version number she might think I have imagined it. And on that  note, not incrementing versions fells like poor coding on Adobe's part. And not having a what's new or changed exacerbates that. IMNSHO, of course!


So stil no idea what the last three changes to "Creative Cloud" have done.








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Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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I don't think Adobe posts changelogs, or even a "What's new?" post, on Creative Cloud app updates. The reason is probably that the CC app is just a support app.


-- Johan W. Elzenga




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Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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Thanks. Got notified this time:)

OK, if true, then Photoshop updated yesterday or day before. Shoul dhave had something to show changes, no? Also did not increment the version #.





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Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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Like John said they typically document changes in a What’s New document, so when I want to know what changed I start a web search and type “What’s new in [application name]”


(Edit: Oops, I wrote the reply below as if I was in the Photoshop forum. Sorry. It looks like the Lightroom Classic documents are not as comprehensive as for Photoshop, and What’s New is only avalable as a Help menu command. But I’ll leave this up as a general guide because it works with several apps, and as a standard that other product teams such as Lightroom should aim for.)


Once that’s found, you can often drill down further, so I always do this: 

1. Web search finds What’s new in Photoshop. That document summarizes high-level changes in each Photoshop variation (desktop, iPad, web), mostly from a marketing point of view. But it’s not everything…

2. Scroll down to the end of the Photoshop variation you’re using (in this case, Photoshop desktop), and click its See Detailed Summary button. 


Photoshop-Whats-New-Detailed-Summary.jpgexpand image


3. That leads to the Feature Summary, which is currently this document [Feature summary | Photoshop desktop (September 2023 release)]. However, this is still an optimistic view of things, but when pressed, they are willing to to acknowledge that there have been problems, so…

4. Scroll to the bottom of that document, and click through the two documents linked at the end:

Fixed Issues in Photoshop. The nice thing about this document is that it’s about accountability. These are customer-reported issues, and if any of them were reported right here in the Bugs section of this community, they appear as links that publicly lead back here to the original customer reports, briinging closure to them. 

Known Issues in Photoshop. Not really a changelog, more like “this is stuff that’s still broken,” sometimes with a workaround. Sometimes it’s broken because it’s not yet fixed in Photoshop, but sometimes Photoshop is affected by something else that’s broken (an OS bug, a driver bug…).


So it’s like wandering through a large building looking for a specific office, which is a little annoying, but at least they provide all those types of info.


Now let’s do this with the Creative Cloud app…

1. Search for “What’s new in Creative Cloud desktop app” 

2. One of the top search results (not the first) is Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app release notes, so I click that link. 

3. That lists changes for recent versions, with the last currently being Version released on 09/20/2023.


If you’re sure there have been more updates since then, then I guess they either haven’t posted them yet (that does happen), or it’s some minor fix they didn’t bother to document. Not sure how much we can do about that. But the sources above tend to be where at least the most prominent changes are documented.


For that latest Creative Cloud release, after the update was done I did notice some features of the UI changes they mentioned in the release notes, such as the new vertical bar along the left.


I like to know what has changed so I can experience new features, test, know what to watch out for, etc.

By Bob Ulius


For “experiencing new features,” there are a couple of other places you can look, built into the app. One is the What’s New icon on the Home screen. Click that and you get the What’s New screen, and at the bottom of each screen is a button that can lead to a tutorial (sometimes interactive) or more info.


Photoshop-Whats-New-button-and-screen.jpgexpand image


There is also a Help > What’s New command, which is strangely different than the other What’s New, leading instead to the What’s New panel in the Discover window (the same window that opens when you choose Edit > Search).




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Oct 07, 2023 Oct 07, 2023

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Thanks so much, Conrad!! Fabulous answer.


So, yes, Creative Cloud changed three times this week. I do not know how, but I did all the updates. As you noticed, no mention of those changes. I saw only one increment of versions on the last one here:

cc1.JPGexpand image


quoteFor “experiencing new features,” there are a couple of other places you can look, built into the app. One is the What’s New icon on the Home screen. Click that and you get the What’s New screen, and at the bottom of each screen is a button that can lead to a tutorial (sometimes interactive) or more info.



True, but no "what's new" in CC Desktop and in Photoshop, not granular enough to see this week's change. But a good place to go for more major updates. I do not have a "What's New" icon in PS nor Lightroom!







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Oct 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023

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With today’s release of Lightroom Classic 13, here are the Adobe change docs for that:

What’s New

Fixed Issues




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Oct 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023

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Of course. Thanks But my question was on incrementals such as the 3 last week to Creative Cloud Desktop app.




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