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Why is Lightroom Classic resizing my photos during import?

New Here ,
May 26, 2022 May 26, 2022

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I am having a problem with Lightroom Classic that I've never faced before. During import I see black bars on top & bottom of some of the photos in the preview window, just randomly distributed. Just at the final moment of importing I see Lightroom is stretching the photos with black bars up vertically and than immediately after CROPPING them horizontally to maintain the aspect ratio (I guess). All this is done automatically and I can not do nothing about it, there is no cancel button. The cropped pixels are gone forever, I don't see them anymore in Crop Overlay on the Develop module.

I have to say that the original CR2 photos have all the same resolution and aspect ratio, all shot during the same photo shooting, with the same camera and same settings. 

I used -> Camera: Canon 5D MarkIII, Memory: SanDisk Extreme PRO 256GB micro SD with SanDisk adapter, Remote Triggering: Camranger with iPad, Lightroom: Latest version 11.3.1.


What am I doing wrong? Is there any way to tell Lightroom to not do any resizing after import?








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Community Expert ,
May 26, 2022 May 26, 2022

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@GoldingD wrote:

Downloaded your two RAW files. I brought them into Canon DPP. And I noticed the style is a user specified one, and is CINESTYLE.


So, a style meant for video, and I think sets the aspect ratio to 16:9 instead of 3:2 w/o user intervention. This affects the embedded JPEG and not the RAW. The RAW is still 3:2.


No, aspect ratio is not an attribute of Canon Picture Styles, so Cinestyle does not do that. They are analogous to Adobe raw profiles: Only about color and tone, and not affecting aspect ratio. All Cinestyle does is apply a flat color grade suitable for cinematic color grading.


The other reason is that none of the downloadable examples are 16:9. So obviously Cinestyle did not apply 16:9.


Looking at the downloadable examples, I’m leaning toward the conclusion that this looks like a bug, which might be recoverable with the DNG Recover Edges plug-in if it works, and if not, then hopefully wait for a bug fix.





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