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P: (AI) Add clone/heal/content transfer between images

Engaged ,
Dec 07, 2022 Dec 07, 2022

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Extend the AI to do simple feature-finding so that I can copy/paste clone/heal/CA from one shot to the next and Lr will move the zones to the correct areas given a threshold match met. 


IE: in 10 shots there's a small boat in the water in the background. In the first shot, I click on the boat and the radius of the tool removes the boat. In the next shot, 1 minute later, the boat is 100 pixels to the left. I want Lr to do a search in the area near the clone/heal to find the boat. When pasting settings on the back 9 images, I'd love to see the clone tool track the boat and auto-fix. 

[ ◉"]
Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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