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P: Allow to Copy Local Point Color and Replace it in another Correction.

Advocate ,
Dec 14, 2023 Dec 14, 2023

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I have found myself in need to copy and replace Local Point Color from a correction to another Correction.

Use case.
  • Correction 1 has these Masks.
Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 10.42.58.png
  • I did Point Color in another Correction (at that time I didn't feel it had to be done in the first correction)
Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 10.49.42.png
  • I then realized, 3 days later when I revisited the image, that I need the Point Color done in "Color Shift II" for "Ai Clothes Color" 
At this point I have 3 choices:
1. Using Point Color I can attempt to sample the same Color using Point Color in "Ai Clothes Color"
PROBLEM IS I need to sample the exact same spot where I sampled it in correction "Color Shift II" 
I found this to be impossible because I don't remember exactly where I sampled...too much time has passed.
Point Color also doesn't tell us where we sampled NOR shows any RGB or HLS  values for the sample source color so we can't identify it.
This method is not really doable unless one has prodigious memory.  (I actually forget where I sample using Point Color even after few minutes)
Not in this case but usually it is also needed to go back in history to when we do the sample because the settings at the moment of sampling matter.
2. I can duplicate and move ALL the masks from Correction "Ai Clothes Color" to "Color Shift II"
This works but is a waste of time...I would have to move 6 masks, then tidy up history as well after by copying the new "Color Shift II" back before doing all these convoluted steps.
Waste of time for me.
3. Out of total frustration and knowing that neither Method 1 or 2 would work efficiently I opened the XMP, I copied the Point Color done in "Color Shift II" and pasted it in the table of the correction called  "Ai Clothes Color".
After this I only had to read metadata from catalog: voilà, Point Color was successfully pasted to another Correction in few seconds.
This last method is the easiest one to do.
It's a fast and easy way to work BUT I am crazy and I am used  to edit the XMP myself so it is an horrible solution for the user.
FEATURE REQUEST: Allow to do "Copy Local Point Color" and "Replace Local Point Color" to another Correction.
Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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