Please add a way to search for a date by month (and day). For instance July 4 in EVERY year. Or all photos ever taken in June of any year.Right now I can search it only one year at a time. Thanks
If you do this infrequently, you can use the Date column in the Metadata browser of the Library Filter bar. Make sure you've selected Hierarchical, and then you can expand or collapse years and months. Ctrl/Cmd-click months to select more than one month or day:
If you do this a lot, you might consider the Data Explorer or Any Filter plugins:
John is the author of Any Filter, which is an amazing tool to execute the searches that Lr cannot do. Also, John does a great job supporting his plugin.
Hard to believe that Adobe doesn't provide a "Search by Month(s)" feature. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked for photographs from specific times of the year, irregardless of what year they were shot. It would be nice if I could search for all images shot in a specific month or months. Right now the only way I can do this is to buy a 3rd Party Plug-in.
I and others would like to have additional filters for creating smart collections based on dates. For example:
1. Be able to find all images captured / edited in a particular month, regardless of year. 2. Be able to find all images captured / edited in a particular date range, regardless of year (may be a partial solution for #4 below if no geo data is available). 3. Be able to find all images captured / edited on a particular date, regardless of year (e.g., all images captured / edited on this day in history). 4. Be able to find all images captured / edited in a particular season, which requires date and geo-reference.
Great, thanks. I installed Any Filter and it allows me to do some things I have wanted to for a long while. I hope some of these capabilities actually get built into the Lightroom product.
I'm making a calendar and I'd like to include photos by the month they were taken. In other words, for the October page, I want to consider only photos I've taken in the month of October, no matter what year it was taken.
I can use a Metadata filter in LR Classic to show dates, but then I have to open a year and click on October. Then I open the next year and click on October again. Since I have photos covering about 18 years, this is a bit tedious. Is there an easier way?
@Jerry_Syder Thanks. I have Any Filter and I tried it. Initially, I used the wrong criteria for the filter, so I didn't think it worked. But it does work. The key is to use the "Date/Time Original Day of Month (Capture)" criteria.
I still have to repeat this 12 times (one for each month of the year) and then save each as a collection so that I can look through them. But it works well with minimal annoyance.