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P: Improved stylus support

New Here ,
Dec 24, 2024 Dec 24, 2024

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Good morning,
For a few weeks I have been using a 2 in 1 computer with a stylus for editing photos in Lightroom and it is very wonderful compared to editing with the mouse. It's much more comfortable, I often do this lying in bed with the tablet on my legs.
However, there are some features of Lightroom that would require adaptation for use with a pen:
1. The bars and their slider for adjusting exposure/contrast etc located in the right panel are a little small. For optimal work it would really be better to thicken them and enlarge their cursor.
2. The numbers of these bars which indicate the percentage are located to their right. These numbers are hidden by my hand when using the stylus. So it would be good to move them to the left of the bars.
3. When using the stylus I do not have access to the keyboard and therefore certain commands are harder to execute. Example: undo, multiple photo selections. It would be cool to have a small panel on the screen that can be personalized and which would contain buttons for various functions of this type.

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