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P: Median Stacking multiple images for noise reduction, crowd removal, etc

Contributor ,
Oct 19, 2022 Oct 19, 2022

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For those unfamiliar, Median Stacking it is a process where you stack multiple images of the same scene, then a Median filter averages them out to retain only details that exist on all images.
It's commonly used to to eliminate high ISO noise in nightime photography or astrophotography while retaining stars and other details. ISO noise is random and easily filtered out with this method. It's a much better approach to standard noise reduction which adversly affects the whole image.
It's also used to remove crowds of people from a scene – you do a timelapse of the scene and then Median Stack the images remove anything that doesn't exist on multiple photos. Very nice.
It currently has to be done in Photoshop, which is a one way trip (there's a nice overview of how it's done here with some nice examples https://iwillbeyourphotoguide.com/reduce-noise-median-averaging-photos )
Instead, it should be an option inside of Lightroom Classic. A new DNG would be created (similiar to how HDR or Panorama creates a new DNG) allowing for continued RAW editing.
I would like to remind people that in earlier versions of Lightroom, creating HDR or Panorama also used to be a one way trip to Photoshop too, which meant that most of the time it was too much hassle to bother with. Now, Lightroom makes those super easy and fun to create. The same can be true for Median Stacking!
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macOS , Windows






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