After I import my photos to LrC I rate the potentially good ones with one star and assing color labels to them based on what I want to do. Green is HDR merge, Blue is Compositing different images together, then when I have spent some time tweaking the image, but still think I can improve, I'll give it a Purple label. When I filter for a specific rating, or more often a color label, I sometimes find stacked images. HDRs, Panoramas, or images I stacked myself, virtual copies even. If I then change the rating or the color label on the main image on the stack, nothing will happen to the other images on the stack and vice-versa. If I have a filter so I only see a color label or a rating, I won't see the images on the stack which have a different label or rating to the main image on the stack. I have attached an image showing the behavior as of now.
I understand this behavior, and I agree this should be the default way. I have been working with it for a while now, but I believe it would be helpful for me if I had the option to see all the images on a stack even if only the cover matches my filtering criteria. I would like to have a toogle on the filter bar, just like the lock, to enable me too see images on the same stack of the images that match the criteria.
More than that. As the title suggest, I believe my workflow would be benefited from an global option to "sync rating and label changes to images on the same stack". In my opinion, the option should do nothing to any image when toggled on. Images within the same stack with any differences at the time should not change, in order to avoid any conflics. Once the option is toggled on, only then every change to the main image on the stack should carry over to its siblings. Yes, only changes to the main image. The cover image of the stack.
Thats it. I hope I don't sound arrogant, I am just trying to be specific.
Thanks in advance.
Raul Barboza.