The Lightroom family of products was updated today and contains support for this feature for the Mac OS. Please download the new version and give it a try and let us know how it works.
/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-please-support-hevc-h-265-video-support-for-windows/idc-p/12289182#M7289Jan 18, 2019
Jan 18, 2019
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I solved the immediate problem on my Windows machine by converting the files to mp4 using LR on a Mac (I am uncertain if this is lossless), and the longer term one by ensuring that the phone didn't record any more incompatible videos.
/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-please-support-hevc-h-265-video-support-for-windows/idc-p/12254160#M1078Feb 14, 2019
Feb 14, 2019
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Please Adobe, I have been requesting H.265 support for Lightroom on Windows for over 3 years now, I am not asking much as I am not even asking to view the files I am only asking to get the files imported at the same time as images.
I have reached out to support multiple times over the last years and only answer is it is coming soon, or the latest ones have been get a MAC, I mean come on, how hard can this be? I use it all the time in Premiere and have for a very long time.
I am almost giving up on keep paying and paying without any updated to the Classic version as you seem to mostly focus on the consumer orientated version and ignoring the Pro market. Shame on you.
/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-please-support-hevc-h-265-video-support-for-windows/idc-p/12289133#M7259May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
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As far as I know none of the apps listed in the article support video? Maybe I wasn't clear what I meant; if LR does not support my video files, video support is no longer a competitive advantage of LR over other non-video supporting apps.
I've started syncing all my mobile generated content to OneDrive and to Google Photos, and I synced my entire video and image catalog to Google Photos using the Google Backup and Sync desktop app. I get 1TB of original file storage space on OneDrive via my Office Home subscription, and I get unlimited "high res" storage in Google Photos for free. Both OneDrive and Google Photos have no issues with any of my (HEIC, HEVC, MTS, MP4, DNG, RW2, NEF, etc) image or video formats, automatically tags based on image recognition, allows me to tag, automatically builds albums, has ok editing. Yes, nothing like LR in image editing features, but my requirements for cataloging video was never editing, just archiving and cataloging. So maybe I don't need LR for video any more, maybe one day I will not need LR for any cataloging, just occasionally a RAW image editor.
Please note that this codec does not affect Lightroom Classic - which does not yet have HEVC (H.265) support. The Classic team continues to work on providing support in a future version. Unfortunately I have no ETA to share at this time.
/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-please-support-hevc-h-265-video-support-for-windows/idc-p/12289125#M7254May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
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Why bother doing video with HEVC? I imported all the HEVC video I'd shot on my phone using Lightroom Mobile and the files arrived in my catalogue on Windows with blank thumbnails. When Lightroom eventually reads them, great, but for now at least they are managed in the catalogue. But then I switched my phone to non-HEVC formats. I can wait, and wait and wait for Adobe....
Those "competing" apps are mostly just raw converters. It's not as if Lightroom is good at editing video but they can't do anything at all, not even catalogue.
/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-please-support-hevc-h-265-video-support-for-windows/idc-p/12289117#M7249May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
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> Why bother doing video with HEVC?
well one reason is because some devices will only write HEVC. For example, the DJI Mavic 2 Pro, probably the most popular high end drone for landscape photography, will only write this format if you want to use DLOG (video equivalent of raw) as most professionals will do.
/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-please-support-hevc-h-265-video-support-for-windows/idc-p/12289005#M7168Jun 16, 2019
Jun 16, 2019
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The Classic team continues to work on providing support in a future version.
I do hope they will get on with this. As of 8.3.1 Lightroom Classic (on Mac) is still in the embarrassing mess of throwing a meaningless error message when we import H.265 videos from a DJI Mavic 2 Pro, one of the most popular drone cameras for professional users. We can import the raw stills but not the raw video. This is a complete pain for our workflow.
/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-please-support-hevc-h-265-video-support-for-windows/idc-p/12289100#M7239Jun 16, 2019
Jun 16, 2019
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The Classic team continues to work on providing support in a future version.
I do hope they will get on with this. As of 8.3.1 Lightroom Classic (on Mac) is still in the embarrassing mess of throwing a meaningless error message when we import H.265 videos from a DJI Mavic 2 Pro, one of the most popular drone cameras for professional users. We can import the raw stills but not the raw video. This is a complete pain for our workflow.
/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-please-support-hevc-h-265-video-support-for-windows/idc-p/12289083#M7228Aug 21, 2019
Aug 21, 2019
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Actions speak louder than words and I think it's pretty obvious they are trying to sunset LR desktop/classic. if you look at the update frequency between Classic and CC or whatever they're calling them these days, Classic isn't the priority. When really there are just a few features Classic needs to make us happy right now, when instead there are many CC updates. That tells the story. Now, I'm not opposed to moving more to CC, *if* I can either be selective about the GB's of photos I have not all going to the cloud and making me pay more, or if I don't have to pay more than I am now for moving my collection up. But feature parity should be the new priority. Like tag import (Adobe: I am NOT re-tagging my 10 x 1000's of images to get them into CC). Also graphics accelerator usage would be nice. Really I think they need to make 1 product but call it Lightroom and Lighrroom Professional or something. And better communication would be nice too. This isn't Instagram. Your users are heavily invested in your products.
/t5/lightroom-classic-ideas/p-please-support-hevc-h-265-video-support-for-windows/idc-p/12289075#M7223Aug 21, 2019
Aug 21, 2019
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All that further application of GPU acceleration in 8.4 tells a different story. That said, I am mystified why Lightroom on Windows still doesn't support HEVC video.