This is my first feature suggestion, and it comes as a user of my partners hardware/software (I only own CS6 and share their editor as a result, as an amateur.)
This suggestion pertains to the introduction of some sort of automatic correction for "non-flat" masks- or to put forward a simple use case, polarizer sky correction. This should be done with masks for the simple reason that this allows more flexibility, and could be added as an option under "Effects" as the new masks panel has beem revamped.
Possible Method
In the case of "polarizer sky" an easier solution would be something along the lines of using automatic gain control (AGC) with 2D windows on the image mask. This would run into issues where you have e.g. a very busy sky- hence it may be necessary to allow the user to not just state they want to eliminate polarizer sky, but be able to vary the windows used for the AGC (unless they want to knock out all the dynamic range in their sky by balancing all the pixels out to zero.) With large enough windows (and polarizer sky is a fairly broad effect) this should be a non-issue. Being able to specify a colour range for the AGC calculation, but applying the AGC over the entire mask (inclusive of non-selected colours- you could do an intercept for other colours if wanted!), would be good.
An alternative solution would be training ML to identify the general "flatness" of the background of the image mask, and then apply corrections appropriately.
Alternative solutions?
There are already plugins for Photoshop capable of doing this for astrophotos- ProDigital software has a few- but specifically doing this in Lightrooom with masks would be a fantastic addition, in my opinion, and would be something quite unique.