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P: Preset-Overlay for Second Monitor

New Here ,
Nov 06, 2024 Nov 06, 2024

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When I'm culling I want to see my pictures in color aswell as black/white. My current workflow is to hover the mouse over a black/white preset, to see the preview on the main monitor, and the second will show it in color.


I think it would be nice if the there was an option to auto-overlay presets - or maybe even the embedded preview - on the second monitor to see if a edit would be right for a picture much quicker and already while culling.

Maybe an addition to Grid/Loupe/Survey/Compare/Slideshow. The user selects the new tab and can choose from her/his preset list, and whatever gets chosen there doesn't get applied to the picture, it just behaves as if the mouse was hovering over a preset on the main screen. Now thinking further, there could be the original picture on the main screen, and like four previews for specific presets/edits on the second monitor to see simultaneously. 

Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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