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P: Publish Services to not handle new AI Denoise Files as brand new files

Apr 30, 2023 Apr 30, 2023

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The new AI Denoise DNG files break my Publish Service workflow. For photos that have been publish service collections prior to Lightroom Classic 12.3, we need an additional feature in Publish Services that allow us to automatically replace the photo in the publish service with the DNG RAW.


Example: in 2022, I place a photo in the publish service. Now with AI Denoise available in LrC 12.3 in 2023, I denoise this photo, it looks a lot nicer, and I want this in my publish service. Right now, the only way we can do this is to add this new DNG to the publish service, but the old version of the photo is not replaced. This is not what I want. I only want one version of the photo in the publish service, the new DNG. Of course, I can remove the old photo manually, but a feature that allows us to add this DNG to the publish service while automatically removing the original from the publish service would be extrememly helpful. As an alternative, we could select the original photo in the publish service and there would be a new option to select the Denoised DNG file as its replacement in the publish service.


Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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1 Comment
Community Expert ,
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023

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I think that might be very complicated, if only because the new DNG file has a different file name (original file name plus 'Enhanced-NR'). In your request the published file from the DNG should overwrite the original published file, so Lightroom must strip that 'Enhanced-NR' part from the new published file. If you did not rename your images on import, then Lightroom could do this by using the Preserved Filename, but if you did rename on import then that Preserved Filename is the original camera file name, not the file name of the raw file that was denoised. Lightroom does not have the option to just strip a part from a file name, so this request would require a name renaming option too. Nothing is impossible, but I wouldn't hold my breath!


-- Johan W. Elzenga




