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P: Remember "Sort" setting in library module Lightroom Classic

New Here ,
Jun 14, 2023 Jun 14, 2023

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Everytime I open Lightroom Classic I create a new catalog for my project and I procces 1000's of pictures daily from multiple photographers. This means that there could be pictures in my catalog form multiple camera's made the same day. Therefor I never set the sorting order of my grid to "Capture Date" but I change this to "File name" to make sure I do not see a mixture of picture from different photographers in the overview (grid). 


I would be very handy to have this setting remembered by Lightroom for the next time I make a new Catalog. Could you please fix it so that the setting stays the same as last set by user?


For your information. I have 3 photographers and 3 photp editors in my company and they all would very much lik this feature ;-). A lot of stupid mistakes are made because this does not work the way we expect.

Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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