The white balance tool in Adobe LR and PS is working well when applied on the roads paved with asphalt or concrete. A nice reference in gray works well to correct colors, bleaching in slides and negatives. However, in e.g. Africa, the gray areas are often missing. Roads are redish, or sandy, without gray scales. Scanning slides goes best using Braun multimag machines, but the silverfast software that is perfect to correct for bleaching of slides and negatives does not work any more after the scan has been stored in Adobe software like LR. Adobe might learn from this by not using white balance correction or in PS white, black and mid correction. Both the roads in less developed countries, and the people in those areas are not gray and white respectively. Meaning that the white balance tool in Adobe makes it difficulult to correct properly, althouh the tool is perfect in western countries. Contacting competition like the Silverfast creators linked to Braun might improve that in Adobe.