If you are working with an unfamiliar group of faces, you need a reference document to refer to when LRC doesn't match (e.g. a profile).
If you have made the effort to label each person in a project, the only way that you can see the Named People is in the main screen.
To assist the workflow you want to be able to iterate through each photo on the main screen and with the face mode enabled be able to draw out a rectangle, then look up the possibilities. If it is a profile, LRC won't have picked the face, so you have to manually choose this. If you don't know who the people are, but have had some of the photos labelled, you want to be able to see the labelled faces - the text pop up doesn't cut it.
In a two monitor configuration, having a grid of named faces on the second monitor would speed things up.
It is super cumbersome right now to draw the square then go back to Faces, look up a face and then return to fill in the text pop up menu.
There are some opportunities to rethink the design of the user interface to reduce split attention.