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Workflow with Leica M10 Monochrom

New Here ,
Apr 10, 2020 Apr 10, 2020

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Hello everyone,


With color, my usual workflow is importing into Lightroom (Tiff, ProPhoto0, then edit in Photoshop.  Although I am very pleased with the Leica M10 Monochrom, I am quite confused at this point, despite a good deal on online research.  The M10M has a monochrome sensor, but when I attempt to export from Lightroom in Tiff, I must enter a "color profile."  I understand that in cameras with a color sensor that are set to photograph in B&W, the images will be exported in color.  The issue is that the M10M has a monochrome sensor, and I am unsure of what to select when exporting in Tiff profile.  If I export my monochrome files in ProPhoto, am I not just duplicating information in the color channels resulting in huge file sizes?  When I convert to greyscale in Photoshop, the filesize drops appropriately, but am I losing information?

I have also tried Camera RAW, and when I select Tiff to export, the color profile menu appears.  What should I select to export the photo will all of the information the camera recorded?  I can adjust the picture in Photoshop afterwards.  Are there B&W profiles I can download and select?


Sorry for the long post, but this monochrome stuff is messing with my mind!!

Thanks in advance,








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