I have APL Version 7.0 on an iMac running Sonoma 14.0 and iOS 17.0.3 on my mobile devices
On my desktop app, I am able to choose any picture within a specific person's people album to be the cover photo for that people album.
However, not all Cover Photos sync to the Cover Photos for the people on my iPhone and iPad
On my iPhone "some" have synched - others have not despite closing the app on the desktop and iPhone and restarting - multiple times
On my iPad, none of the cover photos have synched/updated to reflect the changes made on the desktop app
Unfortunately, People albums are not available in the cloud - so, I am unable to see which cover photo is displayed in the cloud
Is this non-synching issue a bug?
If not, how do I get the remaining cover photos to synch on my phone and all cover photos for people to synch on my iPad?
Many thanks