2nd Issue that changed with the latest v9.0 iPad for Lightroom release. It used to be when I click on an adjustment slider when an image is magnified the adjustment panel would hide and I can see the settings on the top of the screen while I move the slider. In this version, I can no longer see the settings on the top of the screen while I drag the slider. It is not on top of the screen as in the previous version and since the adjustment panel is hidden while I'm dragging the slider, I'm basically adjusting blindly. It makes it hard to make fine adjustments on the slider if I can't see the setting.
This is in addition to the first issue I found where the I can no longer touch click on the image while dragging the slider to see the mask in sharpening/black and white thresholds. Alternatively, I know I can two finger drag the slider and that will also show the mask but this is less than ideal than the touch click and slide method. Having to have two fingers and drag on a tiny slider is less than ideal.
I wish there was a way to revert back to the previous version which worked well for me. This new release while it introduced new features that are nice to have but not really a necessity but broke the usability of this app on the ipad. I have already tried to uninstall the app, restart my iPad and reinstall so it is definitely a persistent issue. It is such a joy to just sit anywhere and edit images with my ipad instead of a computer that I hardly ever use the desktop version anymore. With this release, Adobe has taken some of that joy away but introducing minor but quirky bugs that affect the user interface.