When editing a mask on mobile, the mask is now affected by moving and scaling the image. This leads to lots of false inputs and having to undo mask alterations after moving the cropped image view.
Charlie.D • Adobe Employee, Feb 14, 2025Feb 14, 2025
Thanks again for the post. We realized this is actually a recently introduced bug. For the sake of tracking, I'm converting this thread to a bug and setting status as "Acknowledged"
LrM-iOS 10.2.2 was released into the App Store today and contains an update for this issue. Please refresh your App Store to download and install the update.
In the latest version, while using the iPad’s pencil to create a mask and zooming in with two fingers, the application creates a point in the middle of both fingers as if pressing in that spot. I have tried restarting the app, but the problem persists. This didn’t happen with the previous version available up until last week.
Hi @Victor San Juan, I'm happy to help with this issue. We just need a little more information to troubleshoot. Can you please send us your system information, what version of Lightroom you are using, and a video of the issue you are experiencing? Thanks! ^CH
Trying some crops and geometry edits after applying several masks, plus doing addition masking work, I don't think I am reproducing the problem you see.
Could you possibly share a screen recording showing the problem?
Thanks again for the post. We realized this is actually a recently introduced bug. For the sake of tracking, I'm converting this thread to a bug and setting status as "Acknowledged"
I've noticed a bug in the 10.2.1 update. When drawing an overlay with a brush, a round overlay appears as soon as I place two fingers on the screen to move the image. This leads to multiple unwanted overlays on the image, disrupting the editing process.
This bug is significantly affecting my workflow. Please fix it as soon as possible!
While having the brush tool selected on mobile, I was able to zoom in and out of the photo to brush different parts of the photos by pinching. Now when I touch, including pinching, any part of the screen, it selects everything I come in contact with. Never did that before. Did I click something to turn this on?
I'm facing the issue from the last 2,3 days. When I'm trying to do a brush masking with zoom in and zoom out an unwanted brush stroke appears. It completely destroys my workflow and I'm forced to undo or erase that mark. Also the device too much overheating and lagging, If I apply a copied preset including masking settings it happens from the past 2 years.
I am also having this issue when using Lightroom. Is this a bug with the new update or is there a possible new setting that needs to be turned off? It is very difficult to to edit with this happening.
LrM-iOS 10.2.2 was released into the App Store today and contains an update for this issue. Please refresh your App Store to download and install the update.