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P: mobile trial activated by itself

May 21, 2019 May 21, 2019

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Hi there,

Yesterday I downloaded the Lightroom mobile app from the android play store. I have never used Lightroom before in any form and thought it was great to check it out and use some of the free editing features. I had no intention to sign up for any trial to use the premium features as I am still an extreme novice and don't even know how to use the program properly yet. Yet - SOMEHOW, without my consent, it has activated a 30 day trial period and given me access to those premium features. I am so disappointed this happened without my consent, as I am NOT ready to use those extra features yet. I spoke to Adobe online chat in India - and they were no help at all with this. They could not explain to me how/why it activated nor provide any answers to my questions nor a remedy.

1) I would like to know if there's a way to pause the trial

2) I am concerned that once this 30-day trial ends that I will lose functionality of the original free mobile app - can anyone confirm or deny this for me? 

3) Does anyone know if this also means that a 30 day trial of the full Lightroom desktop version has started as well?! I really hope not. I would have so loved to have learned the basics first and then been able to venture into the full program trial at a much later stage, especially considering that I don't have the time to devote to learning the full program now.

Any help is appreciated. Many thanks.

Bug Unresolved
Android , iOS: iPhone , iPadOS






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May 21, 2019 May 21, 2019

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You now have the full edition on a 30 day trial. When the trial finishes the program will deactivate. You won’t be able to use it.





May 21, 2019 May 21, 2019

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Oh no, are you serious? Has this been your experience too? When you say the full edition are you referring to the mobile app i.e the full edition being the premium features (heal tool, geometry tool etc) or are you referring to the full Lightroom program that one would download onto their computer like one would do with photoshop. If you could please clarify.

If a) full edition of lightroom mobile
Isn't that totally unfair for them to push an automatic trial on somebody, without their agreement, and then to render the app unusable once the trial ends? Everyone else who has downloaded the FREE mobile app does not have a time limit as to when the app becomes defunct. So why should my FREE app become unusable? I never agreed to nor activated this trial for premium features - I downloaded it under the written pretense on Adobe's google play page that it was a free app to use 😞 This is so upsetting.

If you mean b) the full desktop Lightroom program <

How does one even get a trial to the full edition of Lightroom without even have downloaded that program to a computer?!

Adobe, where is the logic in any of this? ☹
Thanks for your response.




