A few days ago I was facing the problem I could not edit multiple pictures capture time (see here Lightroom CC: Ability to change EXIF capture date/time). In this topic (thanks to Victoria) I found that In Grid view Lightroom behaves somewhat different then in Film strip view. Everything seems to look the same, but once it affects all selected photos and once only one photo even with multiple selected. Here the Grid view has more capabilities than the same in Film strip view.
Today I got another lesson. If I press Delete button on physical keyboard in Grid view, picture is being removed from an album. BUT if I do exact same thing in Film strip view I get those pictures permanently deleted and lost (trash functionality of course was not implemented yet). So this time the Film strip view is more powerful and has bigger consequences then Grid view, so it is exactly the opposite logic then in previous issue with editing capture time.
I am switching from Grid to Filmstrip only because I want to see big or smaller images and I definitely do not expect such a differences in app behaviour pressing exactly same buttons.
Please, don't you have some UI / UX expert nearby to bring some rules into app behaviour?