I have a problem where my photos look as expected in the browser or in the Lightroom app. I then save the photo from either Lightroom mobile app or choose to download it from Lightroom web. The exported photos look as expected in the photo gallery on my phone, but when I import either exported photo into Instagram the photo looks desaturated and maybe more green than the original. Note that this is just with the "Normal" filter applied.
EDIT: It looks like I found what the issue is. If I Export the photo as JPG and set the color space to sRGB in Lightroom Mobile then the photo does not get desaturated. I checked in Photoshop and both the regular "Save to Device" function in the Lightroom Mobile app and "Download" buttons from Lightroom Web set the color space to Adobe RGB, not sRGB. Is this by design, and if so, why? This is a serious problem for people to use photos I share with them.