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A few days ago I've tried to add new photos and video's from my card to lighroom and they keep uploading for days now. I've tried to delete them and restore them, formatted my card, changed to an older upload from lightroom, deleded sync issues from the browser vesion, and I've also tried adding new photos. But basically nothing works. They keep saying that they're "uploading".
Anyone knows what I can do here? Photos I upload to my desktop are now not synced to my mobile version, which is highly annoying!!
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Photos take time to upload, videos even moreso. Just looking at a 25 sec drone clip here and it's 330MB. If photos are the essential upload, import them first.
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Thank you but this is not usual in my case. I tried to do it with 1 photo and it's always uploading for 4 days now. Usually I synced like 200 photos in 3 to 4 minutes.
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Still no solution for this 😞
I did notice that uploading in the browser version of Adobe works, but uploading photos there takes ages. Still hope there will be a fix for the IOS application.
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You tagged your initial question with 'MacOS', but now you say 'iOS". So which Lightroom are we talking about? Could you also report the version numbers of Lightroom and the OS?
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Sorry for the confusion. I upload the photos in Mac OS and then sync them to IOS (it's the Syncing part that doesnt work). I use MacOS 13.0.1 (22A400) and Lightroom version 7.0.