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Annotation instead of text layer question ?

New Here ,
Mar 21, 2024 Mar 21, 2024

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Hi LR Community,

I would like to annotate text descriptions to my Family History Photos,


At this time, 

I open a Jpg Photo from LRC into PS as a Copy,

In PS I create a text layer,

add my description of the Photo,

--- (Who, When, Where, What, etc)

I then flatten the Image and save it,


I can now print this Photo with text description.


In LRC I now have 2 Photos, (same file size)

First Photo, is the untouched Original,

Second Photo, is a copy of the Original Photo, with burnt in text decription,

i then create a Stack of these 2 Photos.

and if I have to edit the text description burnt into the photo (ie: wrong date), I cannot,

I have to now repeat the process from the beginning.


My question is:

Is there an easier way to achieve this kind of annotation using LRC,

that is editable ?


I know I could save the Photo with the text layer as a PSD, so the text ie editable,

but this still means i have a duplicate(!) photo which is a large file size.








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