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I had a question about how I'm processing images and wondered if I'm losing any quality in the way I'm doing it. I've had some times where I think some images look better than others and I could be from camera but I want to me sure it's not my flow on lr
Ideally I start to finish (load, select, edit, export) on my computer the entire time with SD card plugged in. I'm wondering if this with less steps is giving me any better quality
a lot of the time I'm on the go and might upload sd card on my phone, choose ones I like on my iPad for a better view and edit on computer later in the day. All made possible from the cloud , then I may download the final on my phone and I'm no longer with the SD card , does this matter at all?
hope that makes sense, thanks for any insight
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No, it does not matter. When the images are imported, they are first copied to the device and then uploaded to the cloud. The images on the SD card no longer play any role at that point.
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The only place that you might be able to detect that "some images look better than others" is on the mobile devices. Depending on the settings on the mobile devices you might be looking at smaller Smart Previews rather than the full-resolution original. But even that will be hard to detect in most cases.