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Dear community,
I have a strange issue using LR mobile. I have quite a bunch of photos and have run through the counter of my SLR (DSCxxxx.jpg) three of four times. Using LR mobile for years now, I ever so often get the following problem:
- I copy photos from my Sony SLR to the phone
- I import those images to LR mobile
- For some images, LR does NOT use / show the actual photo but a completely different, older photo. Which has the same filename.
I deleted a lot of old photos from the phone etc. and could finally trace the problem back to the cloud:
- Once there is a file (let's say) DSC1234.jpg, LR always uses THIS file. Now when my SLR counter goes over 9999 and is back at that number a year later and I want to import that newer DSC1234.jpg, it DOES NOT WORK. It is simply not possible to get the current new image into LR. I'm quite frustrated because there seems to be no solution to the problem. I can't import / edit more and more of my newer photos b/c LR insteads goes to very old stuff.
Can anyone help me out here please. There is no duplicate option in the LR mobile app whatsoever. As I said, the problem is definitely on the cloud - I rigorously deleted most of my older photo files from the cell phone, so no possibility that there are dublicate files on the phone.
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Have you tried importing to the Cloud via
Or if your subscription includes Lightroom Desktop, through there?
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No and I don't see how this helps in any way? I primarily use the app on my phone and honestly I don't need any cloud stuff. I just want the app to work as it should be.
I will definitely not log into some other website every time and upload stuff when I just want to locally edit images.