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I use Lightroom mobile on my Mac computer with macOS Sonoma. When you open HEIC format photos taken by Apple in Lightroom Mobile, the image is distorted.
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Hey, @azafrak. Welcome to the Lightroom Community. I'll need more specific info to help you figure this out.
What exact versions of Lightroom, Lightroom Mobile, macOS & iOS devices are you working on? Was this image shot using Apple's camera app or Lightroom's in-app camera? Does this happen with all the images you've imported after this one?
Would you be okay with sharing a few sample images? Upload it as an attachment here, or use a cloud file sharing option to share a link with me or via direct message in my profiles.
You can go to Lightroom > Preferences > Performance > Set up 'Use Graphics processor' to OFF from Custom or Auto to determine if the issue is with Lightroom Desktop.
Let us know how it goes. Thanks!
Sameer K
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Hello ,
I am happy to be among you. Greetings to everyone.
I thought I made some things clear, but let me elaborate further.
If it is necessary to explain the problem;
Photos were taken in heic format with the iPhone's own camera application. The latest version was edited in Lightroom mobile on an iMac computer with macOS Sonoma.
During editing, all the photos in heic format were opened in the purple color I shared before.
There is no problem with photos in jpg format. I also open the same photo in Photoshop, everything works normally. The problem only occurs in Lightroom.
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You asked for information from me, I presented this information to you, but you did not respond 🙂
Is there any progress regarding the issue? @Sameer K
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Did you send sample images as @Sameer K requested?
By the way, it's not "Lightroom Mobile" that you are using on your iMac, the app you are using there is Lightroom Desktop (Lightroom Mobile, as it's name implies, only runs on devices which are using a mobile operating system, i.e. iOS, iPadOS, Android).
And how did you get the HEIC files into Lightroom Desktop? Did you import directly from the phone into Lightroom Desktop, or did you import them into Lightroom Mobile on your phone and sync them via the Adobe Cloud to Lightroom Desktop? If you used the latter method, did the images show that same issue in the Lightroom Mobile app on the phone?
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I did not send a sample of the photo, because this problem also occurs with any HEIC extension photo. I am sharing the screenshot below. You can see what photos with HEIC extension look like. Isn't this a clear enough example?
The reason I say Lightroom Mobile is that Lightroom Mobile and Lightroom Desktop versions are cloud-enabled. But yes, the correct pronunciation would be Lightroom Desktop (Cloud Enabled).
But I think it is clear which version I am using in the screenshot I shared and in my next message?
Coming to your question, I transferred the photo from iPhone to macOS via airdrop. I also downloaded it from Google photos, but nothing changed. The problem still persists.
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People trying to help on these forums don't ask for sample images to be provided without good reason. Yes, we can see that the images are wrong on your system, but in the absence of widespread reports of the same problem from other users we need to figure out if the issue is a problem with the software or if the images themselves are somehow corrupt. I can't speak for @Sameer K, but I imagine that's what he was trying to establish when he asked for some sample images.
Do you have Lightroom Mobile installed on your iPhone? If so, if you import one of those images into LrM, does it show the same issue?
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I understand. My intention is not to not send the photo, I just didn't send it because I thought the problem seems to be here and it happens in every HEIC photo. But I will send it to you.
I don't have any problems with the mobile version, only the desktop version has a problem.
The beginning of the problem is as follows:
If I transfer the HEIC extension photo to my iMac and then open it in the Lightroom Desktop version, the photo has a problem.
But if I add the same photo to Lightroom Mobile on my iPhone and then open it in the Lightroom Desktop version on my iMac via the cloud, there is no problem.
I am adding 2 photos. One of them was backed up to the cloud with Lightroom Mobile and opened in the desktop version. The other photo was airdropped from iPhone to iMac and opened in Lightroom Desktop version.
@Jim Wilde @Sameer K
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Thanks for the extra details, from which it would appear that the problem is happening during (or as a result of) the Airdrop transfer of the HEIC files. I've just tried that Airdrop workflow with HEIC images from my iPhone 15 Pro Max, without any problem....but I'm running Ventura on my Mac, not Sonoma, so not an exact comparison. I would expect that Adobe or one of our users here would have access to the exact same setup as you, so could test that and report back.
The screenshots you've sent don't really help, but what I imagine Adobe would like is to have two versions of the same HEIC file....the original from your iPhone, and the airdropped copy from your iMac. Can you dropbox or wetransfer those and either post the link here or send it via PM to @Sameer K.
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I sent the original photos via Google Photos via private message? Didn't you get my message?
I'm sending it again via Google Drive. Also, I transferred the photos to my computer in other ways other than just airdrop, but the result is always the same.
I had this problem in Sonoma, I did not have such a problem in Ventura.
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Yes, I've now received the lionk. I'll look at the images later (busy right now), but as I'm on Ventura I don't think I'll see an issue. Will let you know.
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Thanks for sharing the sample images. I've imported the photos on an iPad Pro and at least 3 different Mac machines, but the issue does not appear here.
Please share a screenshot of Lightroom > Preferences > Cache.
Sameer K
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